Chapter 41--Priority

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Kaname's POV

Aidou was right in front of me, with a confused look. Obviously, our conversation wasn't anything proper and it wasn't something easy to find an excuse for.

I was at a loss at what to say and just this once I realised Zero couldn't cover for me for he had bigger problems.

Even if I do find a credible excuse, if I don't also find a reason for Aidou to leave or Zero to leave to take care of his erection....

Making my mind run in circles didn't help a lot. But finally I found a way to fix this situation.

I restored my composure and decided on ignoring his question.

"More importantly, Aidou. I need to protect Yuuki. I should talk to you and everyone about the plan. Zero can I leave you to take care of Yuuki for a while?"

For once I managed to avoid the urge to bump my head on the wall. And while I glanced over to Zero, I had a triumphant look. But noticing Zero's evident blush, I forgot the triumph immediately and just hurried to push Aidou away as soon as Zero nodded his head to my question.

Pushing Aidou down the stairs I received an even more suspicious look of him. He stopped in place on the stairs. I stopped after him.

"Kaname-sama... What exactly is your relationship with Kiryuu Zero...?"

He wasn't looking my way but I was more than sure that he was perplexed at how to deal with the case. But he was suspicious already and if I leave him like this there's a high possible he will counsel with Akatsuki and that might raise a rumour. Now is not the time for such a rumour to begin nor is it the time to make our relationship public. Maybe I should clear this up now and ask him to keep quiet about it.

"Aidou, can I trust you to keep a secret?" I tried to be heard as friendly as possible.

He looked a bit surprised but gulped loudly and nodded.

"Actually me and Zero are dating." I started in a low voice.

I am pretty sure Aidou changed over 10 colors after hearing that. I sincerely felt bad for him and paused until he regained his original color.

" come.... how did this thing...." He begun murmuring after some time.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and started.

"I know this sounds very strange and I can imagine what is going through your mind right now but believe me, that is the truth. But it is not the time for this now. Yuuki needs me, and I need you all to help me with this. Spreading a rumour or worse making it public right now might distort the trust I have of everyone here. I don't want that."

His blue eyes stared in mine, but I could see them staring off the far horizon way beyond me. He was probably taking in what I had told him. A small silence was kept for a while and soon he bowed slightly in obedience.

"I understand. I will keep this a secret until Kaname-sama deems it acceptable to talk of it. Now I will be pouring all my energy into protecting your sister."

"Thank you, Aidou."

"No... Thank you for trusting me with this."

Zero's POV

I can't believe that idiot made me have a boner and then up and left!

I mean.... I know why he left but doesn't change the fact that he did indeed leave me to take care of it alone.

I stumbled to the private bathroom of his room and did try my best to find relief and manage to return to the situation at hand.

Imagining his idiotic beautiful face looking at me, imagining his big pale smooth hands touching me all, imagining him inside me, I took my erection in my hands and stroked it restlessly. His cold hands almost recreated in my mind had gotten ahold of it end stroked it roughly, one of them run off to my nipple and played playfully with it...

It didn't take much until I came and collapsed on the ground from the relief. I didn't stand up again until maybe a quarter later. I wiped my cum and put on my clothes again. Washed my hands and face and went outside to the main bedroom again.

Sitting next to Yuuki, I patiently awaited her waking.

Kaname's POV

Kaname and Aidou walked down the stairs and stopped at the main lobby. Kaname starting by explaining once again of the circumstances regarding Yuuki's birth and upbringing. He also described her as his fiancee in hopes that this would make more vampires to stand by him. It probably worked for there was not much resistance.

But Takuma was looking restless all the time and Shiki was looking way too entertained. Knowing well of what had come upon Shiki, I, of course, never let him in close proximity of Yuuki alone.

I made him excuse himself, asking Rima and Takuma to take care of him accordingly.

I talked to everyone else about what I was planning to do, including even Zero's role in the whole thing. Something most of them couldn't quite agree with but let it slide because... well.... Kaname was their leader and they attributed it to him being just so desperate to protect Yuuki.

The plan was discussed and many of the details were determined. But firstly, it was Yuuki's training that had priority. And I made sure to put as much attention on this part as possible.

I also talked to everyone about the possibility of the dangerous person being inside Shiki right now and that Ichijou might be siding with that person so everyone should avoid triggering them for now.

After having cleared and organised everything I  begun going up again, to his rooms, to Yuuki-my princess-and to Zero-my pillar of support and strength.

I open the door, only to find Yuuki biting hard on Zero's neck in a needy attempt to drink, her fangs not even fully out , just biting like any regular human onto Zero's neck, tearing apart his skin causing him to bleed....

To be continued....
So ok here's the announcement! This story just became weekly! I will be having it end at chapter 50 + the epilogue! I will be updating every Saturday/Sunday (depends on timeline) and it will probably end on November if all goes well!

Strangely I have it planned (the base at least) so I won't get off course again xD Deal with me a bit more.... xDDD

Anyways see ya next week~~

Kaname x Zero (I want your blood)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя