Chapter 1-- I love teasing him

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Kaname's POV

As always this afternoon I was making my way to exit the moon dorms together with my classmates.

And as always outside that door female voices could be heard...

I might be pretending to be kind and all but the "fangirls" are quite annoying. I tried not capturing their attention much but the that was an impossible fit that not even a pureblood like me could overcome.

I looked with the corners of my eyes to my beloved sister, Yuki, who although she had forgotten was my whole world... She was trying to keep the girls under control...

I surely admire her determination...

I looked at her more closely this time and observed a small bandage at her neck...

It wasn't that much of a ridle what had happened...

Kiryuu-kun had probably gotten thirsty and drank her blood...

I wonder why Yuki tolerates all this anyway... He should just leave that guy to his doom...

I am worrying about her...

On the opposite of Yuki, Kiryuu-kun was managing the fan girls. I looked at him with wrath but I was careful not to glare. I looked at him from the corner of my other eye and was pissed off to find that blunt face of his...

I wanted to break that composure of his and make him suffer...

Reminding myself that a pureblood should mind his manners I pushed the idea on the back of my head. Well I can tease him at least...

I walked towards him...
He was too busy glaring at the girls behind him so he didn't notice me closing in. He was looking the other way...

I masked my presence because as much he is a human, he is a vampire and a hunter! I was just behind him when I lowered my head a mere centimetres and wishpered in his ear.

"How are you today, Kiryuu-kun?"

He turned to face me and what you would expect he glared at me.

Then he uttered with rudeness as always...

"What do you want, Kuran-senpai?"

I was too amused by the glare on his lilac eyes so in my mind at least I chuckled! Then I re-asked the question...

"I was asking how are you today!"

I said with that fake smile of mine... Well as expected he got more pissed off...

"Fine enough to shot you!"

He had that sarcastic smile he put on when he was talking as a hunter...
I didn't budge though. I was quite amused by all this... If not for the fan girls behind him I would love to play his game...

"Oh... Is that so? If you are in the mood of talking to vampires like that I will take it you are fine!"

I chuckled a bit which seemed to annoy him but that was my ulterior motive all along...

I saw Yuki eyeing both of us curiously so I had to leave soon...

I decided to tease him later but I was gonna tease him a bit even now...

"Seems I have to get going... Take care Kiry~u-kun!♪"

I said smiling at him. I knew that if I said even take care he would get angry but I felt I wanted a little more teasing and was half-singing his name when I said it!

I continued walking when I was secretly eyeing his now infuriated face...

He was so interesting to tease!

I giggled a bit while I was chuckling inwardly...

Seiren was looking at me confused but I just shoved that face off saying I remembered something interesting!

Well I might be a pureblood and should mind my manners but such a little lie was harmless!

And so I continued walking towards the class and glanced once more at my little sister and then disappeared in the classrooms....

To be continued......

There he is! The sadistic Kaname!! xD
So I already warned that the characters might have different personalities and here we have the super sadistic Kaname! Which might turn even more sadistic in next chapters!! Be ready!!

Anyway I thought I would update earlier but it seems like I didn't have the time.... Exams..... T__T

Anyway see ya! ;)

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