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My whole world shattered apart the day I realised that I couldn't trust anyone. Not even my own family.

My family with whom I've lived with for the past 23 years. The family I thought who'd always have my back. But I was wrong.

Oh, so wrong.

What they say is true really, that you can't trust anyone not even your own shadow as it leaves you in the darkest of times.

The biggest mistake of my life was to blindly trust my family or husband for that matter.

I couldn't take it anymore. I escaped from the clutches of the man who was supposed to love me, protect me, and to stay with me till death do us part.

I will no longer let my life go in drain. I will no longer live my life on the terms of another man. I will no longer bear the abuse.

And I will never trust anyone.

The One That Got AwayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora