Chapter three (✔️)

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Recap: hate hate hate 🤣🤣🤣

Imli was with Vivaan. "Vivaan Babu come to your sense. We have a big problem!". She was holding his hand and shaking him. "Vivaan Babu!".

But Vivaan wasn't in his sense. She looses the grip on him and he falls backwards on his bed. Damn it, this man of no use. I have to make it by myself.

Chakor was back at the sports camp. Damn it, if he is around at the day time I can't train without colliding with him. As he seems to be everywhere. Gosh I hate him so much.., don't know why the destiny is always bringing us together. Am I a magnet to him?.

The door opens and Chakor fumes holding a stick in her hand ready to fight. "Wooah please, we don't know each other you can't kill me okay!". It was a girl, her roommate.

Chakor shook her head and lowered her gaze. "Sorry, actually there was a guy who is behaving like an animal. Hi I'm Chakor!". She put the stick away and forwarded her hand.

The girl smiles. "I'm Tina Raichand, nice to meet you too! By the way who is that guy? I don't want to make friendship with him!". She was looking here and there.

Chakor shook her head. "Don't worry he isn't a participant, actually he is a no one. Don't worry  he won't come again, if he want's to have a long life!". She was holding her mobile phone in her hand and pressing it in anger.

Tina rolls her eyes. "Okay...". Crazy one I shouldn't mess with her!. She smiles awkwardly and asked which bed she could have. Chakor shows to the left side. "That is mine you can take the right one!".

Tina nods and went to the right side of the room. Uff how can someone have so much hate inside her? Whoever this guy is must be mad.. haha wait how does people say... the opposite attracts? Maybe that hate is love!.

Suraj was on his way home, he usually takes a lot of time, but not today. Damn it. She come and disturbed my search. How will I find my mother in this garbage of village! Either I have to fight with her or drink. But that old man should never get to know. That I know my mom is in his cage.

Vivaan was sleeping his rapture. He slowly opens his eyes and saw Imli half lying on the bed counting the money while chewing on something. "Imli what are you doing here?". He sat on his bed and looked at her. "Say what are you doing here?". He was hell angry on her.

Imli looked at him totally irritated. "Vivaan Babu I was watching you to gain your consciousness back! I have to tell you something very important! Chakor is back!". She looked at him, knowing it very well that Chakor hasn't met him yet. She smirks and filled his ears. "She is back and met Suraj Babu, not only this, she even said that you are a lost man, how could she be befriend to a useless man like you!".

Vivaan was fuming in anger. "What the fuck. She was the one who has left Azaadghanj. When I needed a friend she left, she didn't thought of me, but on her own benefits. I hate her! I'm useless I will show her. Who I am!". He stood up and went to the washroom room and Imli keeps her smirk, like the chewing gum she was chewing on for hours.

Chakor was looking for a possibility to train without breaking any rules of the camp. "Sir! I want to train in the night, is that possible?".

The trainer was confused. "Why Miss...?". He looked at his name list. "Chakoriya, are you the runner 501?". All looked at her and she nods. "Yes, that is me!". She come with a lifted head. "Can I do my training at night?". The trainer nods. She was the best runner he was having, how could he deny her wish.

Chakor smirks. Yes, finally something is going like I want it. She was doing her practice with the other's in group and her further study in classes. How could KN become a Sports minister and then he even show off like this. There is something fishy. I have to meet someone.

Suraj reached home and saw Vivaan completely ready. "Oh Vivaan where are you going? What happen drugs over, you need to buy some new packages?". He laughs and left from there, but Vivaan held his wrist in anger.

"Suraj, I might be addicted but not stupid. You have joined the hands with Chakor. I was hating you from the day you become my stepbrother, but now I despise you. Joining the hands with the enemy. Wah!".

Now he was laughing and Suraj forcefully pulls his hand back.

"Mind your language. I haven't joined the hands with anyone. I too thought that you are not stupid, but I forgot that you are addicted and the drug has damaged your brain! I'm with no one. And the hate based on mutual. Don't worry I will never accept you as my stepbrother you are just Vivaan MANOHAR Rajvanshi. But poor you, Thank God my mother isn't a murderer, with whom I have to live under one roof!".

Suraj went to his room and Vivaan throws a vase and left from there.


Itna hate more is coming 👍

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