Chapter 28

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Jades POV

It's Tuesday and I sit here on my bed writing song lyrics

"Every time I see you in the world you always step to my girl"

That was the first lyric to my song

I was about to write the second lyric until I heard someone fall in my bushes

I immediately got up and went to look out my window

I saw Niall laughing on the ground

I rolled my eyes, he's such a child

"Niall?"I called after him

He stopped laughing and looked up at me

"Hey Jade, I was trying to climb up your window to see you"

"Why couldn't you just walk up the front door?"

"What's fun about that?"

"Why are you here?"I asked him

"Let me in and we'll talk"

I ran downstairs and opened my door

"So why a-"

Before I could finish Niall grabbed my waist and kissed me

I kissed back hungrily

Niall gripped my waist since I was wearing a crop top

We pulled away and looked into each others eyes

"It seems like we've both been cheated on"Niall said

"Is that why you came here?"

"I want us to get back together"

I stayed silent

"Jade?"Niall asked

"We're gonna have to start over"

"And I'm fine with that, I just can't live without you"

Niall tried to hold my hand but I pulled away

"Hi, I'm Jade"I said holding my hand out

Niall smiled

"I'm, Niall"

Niall shook my hand

"I've seen you around school and I wanted to take you out on a date"

I smiled at his cheesiness

"I'd like that"I said

Niall smiled

"Jadey I'm home!"My mom called out

I walked to the front door

"Hey mum"

"Hey Ja- Oh! Hi Niall!"My mum said hugging Niall

"Good to see you Mrs. Thirlwall"

"Please call me Norma, by the way I like you better than that Sam guy"

"Me too"I whispered

Niall apparently heard me and smiled at me

"Hey mum, we're gonna go upstairs"I said leading Niall upstairs

"Ok but no naughty naughty!"


"Alright, alright!"

Me and Niall finally made it upstairs

I sat on my bed

"You know, I wrote a song about you" Niall said

"Really?! Me too!"

I walked over to my bedside table and pulled out my song lyrics

Niall read it over

"I'm sorry I ever left you, Jade"

"It was the most stupidest thing I've ever done"He added

I got up and went over to go kiss him

The kiss got pretty heated and Niall pulled me down onto my bed

Niall started to fiddle with the buttons on my shorts

I pulled away

"Not yet"I said

He nodded getting up

"So what was the title of the song you made for me?"I asked him

"Don't let me go, I could sing it to you but I'm kinda tired"Niall said yawning

"It's only 8"I said laughing

"Hey! 8 is my bed time"Niall said resting his head on my shoulder

"Your such a child"I said lifting his head up and kissing his nose

"I'm so glad I have you back, Jade"Niall whispered

"I'm glad I have you back, Niall"

I'm really tired so that's why this chapter sucks

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