Chapter 9

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Jades POV

*The next day*

I had to be put in a leg cast and I had to wear crutches

I haven't talked to Niall since the... incident

But on the bright side today is Perrie's birthday and Zayn rented a fairground for her

I don't even think he told her about the fight, I hope he's stable enough to go to Perrie's Party

I was just about to walk to school when someone's car horn beeped at me

I looked up and saw that it was Niall

I ignored him and made my way to school

I didn't want to ignore him but he made matters worse. I know he wants to protect me but he went to far

I looked to the side of me and I saw Niall stop his car

He limped outside and got over to me

Before he could talk I asked why he's limping

"I sprang my knee"He said

I shrugged my arms and kept walking but before I could Niall grabbed me by the arms and pulled me in for a kiss

I couldn't resist not kissing him because I missed the feeling of his lips

"Jade I'm sorry"He said as we pulled away

"I-I don't know what I was thinking, I just felt so mad and frustrated that Ally did this to you, you probably wanna break up right?"Niall said with tears in his eyes

"Well, you did all that just to protect me and I can't thank you enough. So, no I'm not breaking up with you"

He looked up at me with his water eyes and pulled me in for a hug

"I'm so sorry Jade, I love you so so much"

He hugged me and I winced in pain

"Sorry babe, I forget you were hurt"He said helping me to his car

"It's alright"I said as we got in

"Hey, today is Perrie's birthday and-"

"Oh yeah! Zayn told me I got her a gift"Niall said as he reached into his pocket and brought out a small box

"What is it?"I asked him

"A pair of diamond earrings and a trip for 2 to Hawaii. The trip is for Zayn and Perrie"He said

I nodded

"Oh wait! I rudely interrupted what you were saying earlier, can you tell me it now, babe"He said

"Sure, as I was saying since its Perrie's birthday and I was wondering if you'd want to come to her party. Zayn rented a fairground for her and I want you to come with me"

"That sounds like fun! Sure I'll come"He said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it

I blushed and we finally made it to school

Me and Niall walked to the field and we saw Perrie,Jade,Leigh,and Jesy

I walked over to Perrie (since i have a cast)and gave her a huge hug

"Happy birthday, Pez!"I said hugging her rather tightly

"Thank you, Jadey!"She said hugging me lightly because I'm fragile

I gave her my gift which was a shirt from TOP store and she thanked me

Niall walked over and gave Perrie her gift

"It's not much but I had to give you a gift, Happy Birthday, Perrie"Niall said

Perrie grabbed her gift and opened it

I saw her eyes become wide and she immediately pulled him in a hug

"Thank you Niall! So so much!"Perrie said

I saw Niall smile

"Your welcome, Perrie. Have fun in Hawaii"Niall said

"Oh I will"She said

"Jade did you invite him to my party?"Perrie asked me

"Yup"I said popping the "p"

She smiled widely and nodded

"Yay! If any of you want to come just go to the old park! Your all invited!"Perrie shouted for everyone on the field could hear

I laughed and the bell rang for first class and we went off but Niall had to stay by my side. He's so cute, always so over protective

*Later at the fair ground*

Me and Niall were just sitting down on a bench eating while everyone else were on the rides

I just saw Louis and Liam got off of a ride and they looked pretty sick

I poked Niall and pointed at them and they threw up

Me and Niall erupted in fits of laughter and pulled in for a passionate kiss

When we pulled away we saw Perrie and Zayn snogging in the corner

Me and Niall awed at them and they pulled away looking at us smiling/laughing

We looked away to see Jesy, Harry, and Leigh on the merry- go- round

I swear there such kids
Happy birthday to the amazing, Perrie Edwards! I love you my baby boo!

You can see the Zerrie pictures from this chapter on my Instagram account @lmx1d :)

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