Chapter 5

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Nialls POV

It was lunchtime and I wanted to go see Jade but some girls pulled me back

"Woah! What?"I asked them

"What's going on between you and that nerd"They said pointing at Jade

"First of all, who are you? And second she's not a nerd"I said

"I'm Ally and she is a nerd. Now answer my question"

"We're just going on a date"

"What?! Niall Horan is going out with a loser!"Ally said clutching my shirt and bringing me to the cafeteria

"Hey everybody!"Ally yelled

"Niall Horan is going out with a loser!"She yelled and everyone laughed

"Look she's sitting right over there"She said pointing at Jade

I could see Jade was starting to cry

"What's wrong with you?"I asked Ally but she was to busy laughing with everyone

"Lads!"I called out and Liam, Harry, Louis, and Zayn showed up

"I don't want her anywhere near Jade"I said to them they nodded and took Ally away

"What are you doing?! Get off of me!"She yelled

I walked over to Jade who was crying

Jades POV

"Jade?"Niall said as he kneeled beside me

I immediately jumped in his arms

He soothed me by rubbing my back

"She's not going to hurt you anymore, I promise"

I sobbed some more on his shirt

"Did you eat yet?"He said while pulling away

I shook my head

"I'll buy you lunch, I'll be right back"He said getting up, not without giving me a peck on the cheek

"Aww!"I heard people say

I jumped slightly

I turned around and saw that it was my best friends

"Where you people spying on me and Niall?"

"No! We were watching from a distance"Leigh said

"Leigh that's spying"I said

"Oh"Was all she said and they continued to eat there food

"Idiots"I murmured

"We heard that"They said in unison

I never noticed Niall came back until he spoke up

"Wanna sit with me?"

I nodded and he took me to an empty table far from everyone else

"Where's your food?"I asked him

"I only had enough money to buy for you"

"Your the best"I said making him blush

"Open"I said gesturing for his mouth

"Thank you"He said as I fed him

I finished my lunch and we walked to language arts class

"Oh! I forgot my guitar in my last class! Be right back babe!"He said kissing me and running off to go get it

"Oh look if it isn't little Jadey!"Ally said

God I hate when she calls me that

"Let me guess you paid Niall a lot of money just for him to go out with you? Haha that's sad, Thirlwall even for you"She was just about to grab me
but Liam pulled her back

"Are you kidding me?!"Ally yelled

"Don't worry Jade, when ever Nialls not around me, Harry, Zayn, and Louis will protect you. I promise"He said

I gave him a small smile an Liam pushed Ally to her seat

"Hey babe!"Niall yelled as he came back

Before I could answer him Ms. Mahone came inside

"Ok class please sit next to your partners"

"Did you all finish your assignments?"She asked

We all nodded

"Good! Who would like to go first?"

"We do!"Liam and Danielle said

"We wrote a song"Danielle said

Soon they started singing and can I just say they sounded great

The song ended and everyone cheered

"That was wonderful! Whats it called?"Ariana asked

"Wherever you are"Liam said smiling

"Well that deserves an A"Ms. Mahone said

"Ok! Who's ne-"

"Me!'Ally yelled

"And me"Ashton said sadly

"We wrote this poem for my birthday tomorrow"Ashton said

When they finally finished can I just say that, that was horrible!

"That was very childish and inappropriate, D+"Ms. Mahone said

"Ugh! I knew I should've payed someone else to write it"Ally yelled

"For the record, I wrote a good poem at first but Ally didn't like it"Ashton said

"Ally to the principals office!"

Ally stormed out the door

"Who's next?"

"Us!"Niall yelled

I gave him a are-you-crazy look

He walked me to the front of the class and whispered in my ear

"You'll do great"And he started strumming

The song ended and everyone got up from there seats and clapped for us

"That was wonderful! Whats it called?"The teacher asked

"Nothing feels like you"Me and Niall said in unison

"Are you two a couple?!"A kid in the back shouted

Me and Niall turned to each other smiling and we both nodded

"Class, I think it's safe to say that Jade and Niall get an A+!'The teacher said and me and Niall smiled at each other

"Told you"He said giving me a peck on the cheek
Fluffy chapter ☺

Till the end (Nade Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang