Chapter 27

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Jades POV

I walked into school and I saw 5sos playing the acoustic version of 'Voodoo doll'

I smiled and walked up to them

'Tell me where your hiding your voodoo doll, cause I can't control myself. I don't wanna stay wanna run away but I'm trapped under your spell' They sang

Ashton looked over at me and smiled

I walked to my locker and got out my geometry book

As I brought it out someone slammed my door shut and force there lips onto me

I noticed that it was Sam by the way his lips felt, rough and sour

When we pulled away I saw Niall looking at us with a hurt expression

"Hey babe"Sam said snickering

I cringed at his words

"Don't call me that"I said

"Why not, is it because I dishonored your stupid friends band"

I rolled my eyes and walked away

I passed by Niall, he was by Ally's locker with his head down

Ally was blabbing about some girl spilling fruit punch all over her dress at a party she went to last night

"Jade, c'mon talk to me"Sam said turning me around

"Why are you being such a douche?!"I yelled at him

"What are you talking about? Your the one to talk"Sam said to me

"Me?! You called my friends losers right in front of my face!"

By now everyone in the hallway was looking at us but I didn't care

"C'mon Sam! Hit her already!"I heard Ally yell

I rolled my eyes and walked to my first class

"Don't walk away from me!"Sam yelled after me

I finally got to class and went inside

*At lunch*

"He what?!"Daisy yelled

"I know right! You can't just say that 5sos is untalented, they are crazily talented!"I said

"And today, he forced you into a kiss and acted like nothing happened?"Leigh said

I nodded

"I didn't even kiss back because ew no"

"Haha you go Jadey!"Perrie said giving me a high five. Oh yeah did I mention that she came back?

"So what are you gonna do?"Janna asked

"I'm gonna dump him when school ends, wait how exactly do you dump someone?"

"You don't know how to break up with someone?"They all said

"Well he's my second boyfriend!"I yelled at them

"It's easy just dump his sorry bum like that"Jesy said snapping her fingers

"That's easy for you to say, Jessica. Look at you! You've probably dated thousands of guys! I'm surprised you're not dating anyone at the moment"

"Well I try"Jesy said in her Kim Kardashian accent and flicking her hair

"Just say 'Sam this isn't working out, I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you'"Leigh said

I nodded getting up since the bell rang

"It seems like Leigh is the only helpful one here"I said walking off

I heard numerous 'Hey!'s and I knew it was them


It's after school and I was trying to find Sam everywhere

I walked to the field and there he was at the tree

Kissing Ally...

"Samuel Craske!!"I yelled

Sam pulled away from Ally jumping slightly

He rolled his eyes smirking

"Yes"He said walking up to me with Ally trailing behind him

"What the heck are you doing?!"I yelled at him

"Kissing my girlfriend, what does it look like?"

"Girlfriend?! You are dating me!"

He laughed

"I only dated you to get in your pants, I heard you never lost your virginity yet and I'd be glad to take it"

I gagged in my head

"Your disgusting! I was coming over here to break up with you anyway"I said walking off

"Get back over here! I'm still gonna take your virginity!"He yelled

"Have fun with that. Take Ally's..."I said turning around

"Oh wait, she already lost it to thousands of guys"

I smirked walking off


Sassy Jade ;)

No more Jam!!!! yas

But will there still be Jiall or will feelings be lost?

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