The Eternal Diva- Part 1

Start from the beginning

Henry's P.O.V (By the way, he's ??? P.O.V but once Randall was ??? P.O.V)

"So... is this it?" Oswald asked me and Randall.
"Yes, like we told you, everything is working out like it should do." Randall replied, slightly exasperated.
Oswald looked away. "Kidnapping? Selling tickets? Do you call that a plan?"
"In fact, we do. This is our plan." I said with a smirk.
Amelia suddenly walked in with some of our henchmen.
"Mr Whistler? You're a part of this?" She asked Oswald, looking shocked. "Where is everyone? Why am I here alone?" She continued her query.
"She asks a lot of questions doesn't she?" Randall whispered to me.
I chuckled in response.
"Because you're the winner. You're going to get eternal life!" Oswald lied.
He walked her towards the Detragon slowly.
"What's that?" She asked, marvelling at the many parts of it.
"It's a Detragon." I spoke up.
"We brought it from the ship!" Randall continued.
"This machine will give you the gift of eternal life!" Oswald lied once again.
I walked towards the Detragon placing the key inside. "And we created it." 
I turned the key, allowing the Detragon to boot up. I flipped the switches, but then one of Melina's memories flickered and went out. (A/N: By the way, they're in the form of flames.) Oswald, wanting to save Melina, panicked.  "Come with me! We must hurry!"
He pushed Amelia towards the seat connected to the Detragon.
Amelia pushed his arms off suddenly. "I don't want eternal life! I wanted eternal life for my grandad! He only has a month to live, he should be here!" Amelia got out of the seat and attempted to move away. Then some of my henchmen grabbed her as Oswald advanced with the helmet belonging to the Detragon. "He has to drink the elixir of life!" She pleaded.
Oswald kept advancing to put the helmet on her head. "There is no elixir." Heh, finally decided to tell the truth.
"Leave me alone! Let me go!" She struggled with them.

Katy's P.O.V
We ran up the stairs, hearing Oswald try to put the helmet on Amelia.
"Please don't!" I heard her shout.
We ran all the faster, trying to stop him.
"Please Mr Whistler!" She exclaimed.
It's too late for him to try anything funny now.
"Enough!" The professor's shout rang across the room.
"Leave that poor girl alone, you, you, JERK!" I shouted in an unladylike manner. Luckily, at that moment, the professor was too concerned to correct me about being a lady.
Emmy and I rushed forward to help Amelia by beating up more henchmen.
"We've figures your little game out Mr Whistler." The professor started.
I saw someone in the background, hiding.
That couldn't be....
The Professor positioned his hat. "When Melina was dying, you put a vast amount of money into creating this machine, the Detragon. But this is no regular machine. You can use this to put another's person's memories into someone else. But there has always been one problem. The own person's memories force the other's out. I figured that out with Nina and Katy here. The difference with Katy is that half of Melina's memories stayed inside Katy, which caused her to be who she is today. Nina, tell me again who you were talking to earlier on?"
Melina beamed at the Professor. "It was Melina! But she's gone now."
Oswald, suddenly started sweating and probably internally freaking out.
"And I have a connection with Melina." I shot Melina (Janice) a look and grinned.
"But there's more. Henry joined Oswald not long ago, since he wanted something more. I won't elaborate on that just yet. But even worse, he decided somebody I love very much into thinking I betrayed him." I looked away. And Luke looked jealous. I chuckled the tiniest bit.
"Impressive Katy. You have got the investigative skills everyone says you do. But when did you find all of this out?" Henry asked with a subtle smirk playing on his lips.
"I thought it couldn't be you when I saw the disguise on stage. I saw you jump down and assumed it may've been you. When I heard your voice over the stereo, I suspected you, but then I heard a different voice over the speakers. I thought of the one person who could have that voice. I also narrowed down that it was you to that text, you're the only one who knows my number off by heart apart from Randall. Since it was unknown, I knew you'd have to write in the number. I also figured it was you since you don't address me as closely and detailed as Randall does. You'd be more short and snappy with your messages." I looked Henry in the eye.
Oswald suddenly grew impatient. "Melina's memories are disappearing! If I can't have a girl, then this boy will have to do!" He lunged forward and grabbed Luke.
"Luke!" We all exclaimed. Well apart from Henry, Mr Whistler and 'mystery guy'.
Melina winked at me, and I immediately knew what she was going to do. Either way, I thought Mr Whistler deserved a beat down, so I chuckled and winked back.
"Get your hands off him!" I shouted, running up to Mr Whistler.
Unfortunately, he set his henchmen forward to try and stop me. Quite quickly, I got the henchmen out of the way and leaped onto Mr Whistler.
"Leave him alone!" I said, slapping him.
But by then, he had put the helmet on Luke and was about to switch on the Detragon. I knew there was no need to freak out though.
Oswald flipped the leaver and Luke screamed. Nothing happened.
"The key! It's..... gone!" Henry exclaimed.
"Who took the key?! It was you, wasn't it?!" Oswald pointed at the professor. "You've got to give it back! We don't have much time, Melina's memories are going to disappear forever!!!" Oswald shook the Professor.
I dragged Oswald off the Professor.
"Calm down! We know who took the key!" I said to him.
"Who was it?!" He exclaimed.
"This person, or rather, these people, hold the key to the Detragon, they solve all the mysteries, because they know everything you've done." The Professor started walking.
I rushed back to Melina's side.
"They hid themselves very carefully to save you from you mistakes. Yet one person knew about this all along. It is you!" The professor pointed at us and Janice gasped.
"Janice?!" Luke exclaimed.
"Yes, it is Janice." I answered Luke. Then I turned to her. "You deliberately left out the 'part' of my story when you told Luke, didn't you?"
Janice nodded. "I couldn't tell him because if I told anyone else, Henry might've tried to hurt Randall."
"Randall?" The professor suddenly looked confused.
I sighed. "Randall, come out, we all know you're here."
Randall walked out, sheepishly scratching the back of his head.
"Randall?" Emmy whispered. "Why?"
"Henry told me everything, Katy left, she went to London, the big city, yet she didn't even tell me where she was going. She lied to Kate! Katy told my girlfriend that I was cheating on her which caused her to break up with me! And when I told her not to tell anybody in the family about my break-up and the fact that I was working with Bronev for a short while, she told everyone!" Randall looked angry and hurt at the same time.
"Randall, I'd never do that to you! Henry lied! And I actually had no idea you broke up with Kate, I wanted to protect you so I told you I was going to Widnes, and... wait... YOU WORKED WITH BRONEV?! I told you that dude's crazy and dangerous!" I sighed. "Henry, why did you lie to Randall? What made you hate me so much?"
Henry flared at me. "Don't you understand?! I was engaged to you! We were engaged and you just walked out on me! You said you wanted to be free, but I know that you just travelled to London and got yourself a boyfriend!" His words were true. I was engaged to him, but I didn't originally want to marry him.
Henry looked like he was going to cry. "I loved you. Why wouldn't you love me back?"
I sighed and looked away. Luke looked at me sadly with a questioning face.
"Because I knew there was someone out there for me, and that wasn't you. Janice, I really feel like you should tell everyone what's going on. Luke still looks clueless!" I tried to subtly change the subject, but someone had something to say before I did.
"Katy, I'm so sorry... I really believed Henry, then I put you through all of that... I'm so sorry." Randall stood there, not knowing what to do, so I made the first move.
I wrapped him up in a hug, then quickly retreated since me and Janice had a lot of explaining to do.
The professor looked at us. "I think you two should explain this, Katy and Janice. Or should I say: Arianna and...... Melina."
Janice, or rather, Melina looked round at everyone. "Yes. I am Melina. You thought putting my memories into Janice had failed, but it hadn't. Janice let me take her place voluntarily. She buried her personality so that I could take her place. Arianna tried to do the same thing, but her memories were so strong that they merged with mine. But when Janice left, I could walk and... dance... and sing! All of the things I couldn't do when I was ill. And now, me Katy and Katrielle have a connection."
Oswald looked shocked and happy at the same time. "So... I didn't need anyone else after you three!"
Melina nodded. "But I realised that what I am doing is wrong. I can't take someone else's life and live my own life in their body! So Katy was right. And you should've listened to her. Janice asked me to send you that letter Professor, she knew, and I knew that if we sent you that, you and Katy would be able to stop my father. We knew that with Katy's help, you would find out the truth about me, and you are very good at figuring things out. But I knew that's as long as he had the Detragon and my memories, he wouldn't stop at anything to implant them. I don't want to push someone else out of the way to live my life in their body! It just isn't right!" She turned to the Professor. "Janice and Katy have told me a lot of things about you, they are both very fond of you as I can tell."
"Melina, I did everything, all of those things I did were for you!" Oswald silently spoke.
Melina clasped her father's hand. "I know, and thank you father, but this... it has to stop."
Oswald looked at her sadly. "But... how can I keep living without you?"
Suddenly we realised the roof was opening, and Henry ran up to grab Melina.
"If I can't have Katy, or my revenge, then I'm taking the Ambrosian Trove!"
"Henry! What on Earth are you thinking! Leave Melina alone!" I attempted to run up, but then some of the wolves came advancing on us.
"Can you hear me? Please don't attack us!" Luke attempted to talk to the wolves, then I realised why they wouldn't listen.
"Emmy!" I yelled, drawing her attention.
We attacked the robotic wolves and ran towards Henry and Melina.
"You leave her alone or else!" I threatened.
"Actually Katy, you're the one who should be scared. I have an advantage." Henry smirked, then pulled out a girl.
I looked at her face, trying to gain a sense of familiarity.
"Wait... KATRIELLE?!" I shouted in fear.
Katrielle looked down at me and smiled weakly. "Hey sis..."
"Katrielle, what did they do to you?" I asked angrily.
"Well, one night, I was in my hotel room, when the lights went out, then the next thing I knew, I was in a room with Henry and Randall! They told me I couldn't contact any family or try to escape in any way, or they would hurt you!" She replied fearfully.
Henry laughed menacingly. "And now, I will use Melina and Katrielle to open the trove of the Azran!"
I leaped up to try and get to Henry, but he was too high up.
I turned to everyone else. "I need your help... to get my family back together..."
I smirked. Potty Katy, try to control yourself this time.

Potty Katy's P.O.V

"Leave my friend alone Henry, you've hurt my family enough." For once, my anger (being Potty Katy) didn't go out of control.
"And what are you going to do about it?" He mocked.
The place suddenly started to rumble, then it all started raising up until we were outside.
Henry and Melina ended up separating from the rest of us, but I held onto the edge of the Detragon, which seemed to be walking away from us.
Henry laughed at me. Then he pulled out a sword, and I pulled out something that would have to do.
"Henry, let's dance."

(A/N: Another cliffhanger, because this is supposed to be in two parts. But you guys are lucky, this is the longest chapter I've ever written in this book, and I've posted within a few hours from the last post! I hope you're enjoying this ending and I'm not boring you eternally... (WARNING NOT PROOFREAD THOROUGHLY ALSO I MIXED UP THE NAMES HERE... KATY's OLD NAME WAS ARIANNA) anyway, see ya next chapter!

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