Deep dark secrets...

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Katy's P.O.V

"Hi Katy!" 

I smiled and ran forward, then hugged Emmy with all my might.

"Emmy! It's lovely to see you!" I practically yelled, beaming.

Emmy smiled, looking down at me with her brown eyes. It's really strange, actually, Emmy was born with brown eyes and I was born with blue eyes. We seem to take after different sides of the family. Anyway, I need to focus.

"It's great to see you too, Kat kat." Emmy replied.

"Katy, would you like to explain all of this?" The professor asked with a quizzical look on his face.

I laughed at his confusion. "Professor, I know how occupied you've been with work lately, and I've decided to help. You are standing in front of your new assistant, Emmy Altava."

"Pleasure to meet you professor, I seem to have heard a lot about you. It'll be great working for you." Emmy said, smiling and shaking his limp hand.

"Katy, I don't need a-" The professor starts, before I interrupt him.

"Professor, Emmy and Katrina travelled this whole way for you. Now you're going to have to let them stay, whether you like it or not." I said firmly.

The professor looked a bit.....defeated shall I say?  Before I noticed.

"Emmy, where is Katrina?" I asked in confusion.

"Well, now that you ask, she was so tired she decided to go to the hotel immediately. When we stop by tomorrow, I'll bring her along." Emmy replied. 

Now, this is a bit off topic, but I just realised that I'm the only one in my family who has blue eyes! Unless I find all of those long lost brothers and/or sisters that I have. Apparently, my family got separated after an explosion way back. It was a time machine of sorts. So now I don't know who my whole family is. But now that I think of it, my family are basically half brothers and sisters.

Me, Emmy and Katrina are birth sisters. I have a long lost one who's apparently my twin, but because of the Janice fiasco, you'll find out later on, I lost her. I also have Randall as a birth brother, but that's what I've been told.

"Katy! Katy! Out of your thoughts please! We're leaving now!" Emmy shouted jokingly in my face. I hugged Emmy before she waved at everyone and walked out.

"What were you thinking about Katy?" Luke asked.

"I was thinking about how big my family has become. I have a bunch of half brothers and sisters." I said, probably confusing Luke and the professor.

When they gave me puzzled looks, I explained everything to them. They looked satisfied to have a logical solution to my family. I tutted. 

"Professor, I saw one of the letters on your desk. Who was Randall Ascot to you?" I asked inquisitively.

"Randall was my best friend, we always went exploring. Eventually, he got a girlfriend named Kate. They moved stuff around, and soon Randall moved back to his real home. It turns out that he was adopted. Like me." The professor replied.

"Like you?" I asked, suddenly confused.

The professor sighed and started explaining. "My name isn't really Hershel. It's Theodore. When I was young, my brother, Hershel, was always there to look out for me. We would stick together no matter what. Targent, that's what they called him, he kidnapped our parents and forced our father to work for him. Soon, my father got so wrapped up in the lies of Targent that he didn't know my mother was slowly dying. She died eventually, and he left us. So me and my brother had to find adoptive parents. The kind Layton family could only adopt one, and they chose Hershel. So my brother told me to be Hershel. He left me with the Layton family. My brother's name now is actually Jean Descole."

I sighed after that explanation. But we weren't done.

"What was your father's name?" I asked merely out of interest.

"Leon Bronev."

 I gasped. I realised the truth about some of my family.

"Professor Layton, my father was called Leon Bronev! Apparently he said that before my mother he had another wife, uh... oh yeah! Rachel." 

"Katy, that was my mother's name. Could this mean we're..." The professor trailed off, I finished his sentence. "Siblings?" 

I rushed forward and clasped the professor, taking no heed of Luke or being a lady. For once, I was just plain old Katy Altava. Not do it all, can do Katy Altava.

I broke the embrace awkwardly to see a quite flustered Luke behind me.

"Sorry Luke. Where were we on Randall again? Oh yeah, professor, Randall is my brother! That means he's your brother too!" I said excitedly.

I pulled out my phone and put on the family page everything that the professor had just explained to me. Everyone was surprised, but when I added him, we were all fine with it.

"I've got more information for you Katy, about that explosion." Luke spoke up the first time in a while.             

I nodded at Luke. He continued.

"Clive Dove told me that his parents died in the time machine explosion caused mainly by Bill Hawks. A lady called constance Dove took him in and he gained her wealth. He also told me that a man stopped him so that he wouldn't go into the fire when the machine exploded. Apparently, that man was Professor Layton, who lost Claire in the explosion."

The professor stayed silent, obviously upset about Claire. I gave him a reassuring look and he took it gladly.

"Well, after this intriguing conversation, I'm tired. I'm off to bed now." I said, yawning.

I grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him upstairs. We climbed into our beds.

"Goodnight Luke, we're doing some work tomorrow, so let's get rested." I said into the darkness.

"Goodnight, Kathryn Bronev." Luke said.

I didn't make a sound. Luke had figured out my secret, and he had to know the truth before it was too late.

Professor Layton's P.O.V

Me, Katy and Luke had the most interesting conversation about our families. We found out things that we wanted to know for years. But I also found out that Katy has a dark secret. She is actually Kathryn Bronev.

Luke's P.O.V

When we talked about our families, it got clearer and clearer. I've suspected that Katy is Kathryn Bronev for quite a while now, but my brain just wouldn't take it. I finally clarified after the families talk. Katy hid her true identity from us by using her sister's last name, which she changed after her mother and father divorced. Katrina, Katy's sister who we haven't met yet, must also have a changed last name. Katy was hiding this from us and I want to find out the whole truth. Nothing else.

Emmy's P.O.V

Katrina was asleep in the hotel when I got back. I laid in my bed, thinking. Katy, Professor Layton and Luke must have had a families talk. Which means that the professor and Luke have probably figured out the secret. They are smart people after all. Let's just hope that Katy is smart too and doesn't lie again but just tells the truth. Yeah sis. Tell the truth. Please, for mum.

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