My blood runs cold as I look at him in shock. "What?"

"No one got hurt, don't worry." He smiles. "Well, at least no one on our side."

"I don't understand."

He furrows his brows. "What do you mean?" He asks. 

"I don't understand why we are attacking them. How do we know they messed with the shipments?"

"Are you questioning your father?"

"I don't know, maybe I am."


"Not right now, Dean. I gotta go." I say as I grab Jaxon's helmet and head towards the door. "You still got your key? Can you lock up?"

"Yeah, but-"

"I will see you later," I yell over my shoulder as I leave my lonely apartment and head to a place I know while never leave me alone. 

My heart races as I enter the bar

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My heart races as I enter the bar. I expect it to be wrecked, but this is worse than I ever imagined. Glass and debris are spread throughout the entire bar. It quite literally looks like a bomb went off in here. I'm speechless looking around the place where I was just dancing carefree last night. 

What if my father attacked last night when Lacey and I were here? We could have been hurt or killed. Sadness and anger mix together in my stomach and all I want to do is find Jaxon and make everything alright. 

"We're closed, hun," A middle-aged woman with greying, blond hair says from behind the bar. 

"I'm actually looking for someone," I say as I step closer to her. "His name is Jaxon?"

Her lips curl up into warm, smile. "Why didn't you say so?" She says, gesturing for me to follow her. "Come with me. He's in his office hatching up some scheme to deal with this mess, I'm sure. That son of mine is always working. It's all he knows! Ever since Jackson died-"


"His father," She says solemnly as she holds a door open and ushers me inside. "My husband. All the men in this family share the name, but I just spelt Jaxon's name differently as kind of a big FU to my mother in law.

"By the way, I'm Helen."

"Roxanne," I say, offering her my hand and she takes it in hers firmly. 

"Oh! Just like the Police song! How lovely," She says with a big smile. "Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day."

I laugh at the woman. She's so cheerful despite the circumstances and I can't help but envy her. 

"We're here," She states as she flings open the door. "Jax, there's a pretty girl here for ya."

"Mom, I don't have time to entertain any club whores today." He says bitterly as I enter the office. For some reason, his words put a stake right to the heart and I wince in response. He's looking down at some papers on my desk, not even acknowledging us at all.

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