She was awake. Finally, she was awake. Despite the lack of sleep Loki felt like a new man. All he wanted was to see her, hear her and feel her. Soon he'd be able to talk to her. He was a bit anxious, though, it felt as if he hadn't seen her in ages. But it was only a day. A long day given he'd been by her side from the start. The prince couldn't understand why the healers needed him to stay away so much while they were treating her. He wasn't even as loud as his brother. But it didn't matter anymore because she was alive and in good health.

The healers were extraordinary, [Name] thought. She felt so good she couldn't believe she had been unconscious for five days. She still couldn't walk but her broken bones were healing quickly, and she only had a couple of medications to take before being able to move. However, she couldn't help but think about how fragile she was. She wondered for a moment if there really was Asgardian blood in her veins. Injuries seemed non-existent to the princes. The young woman wished she was like them. Or maybe her injuries were worse than what she expected.

[Name] was waiting for Loki. She was so relieved he was fine. After all, she did fight against a dragon to keep him safe. Finally, the large doors opened, and the young prince entered. She felt so happy seeing him, but soon enough concern washed over her happiness. Loki looked incredibly tired and also seemed thinner. His beautiful eyes landed on her and he couldn't believe it; she didn't even look injured anymore. The young woman looked beautiful, her skin wasn't unnaturally pale anymore and the bruises over her face and neck were almost gone.

She still seemed a bit tired, but Loki could see the young woman he knew again and not the almost dead girl he had been watching for days. The god felt incredibly peaceful seeing her like this. Although his mind couldn't help but wander to much darker place and there he was watching [Name] putting herself in danger all over again. How the silly girl pushed him away and battled the dangerous animal. The young woman knew exactly what he was thinking, for once, sat on her bed a few centimetres away from her.

She gently took his hand in hers and found comfort in his cold touch. Loki was conflicted between yelling at her or holding her tightly and never letting her go. So, he did both. Firstly, he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head in the crook of the young woman's neck. She smiled to herself then started running her fingers through his hair, like she always did. [Name] held him close and took in his scent. Loki smelled like home. She felt such safety close to the god of mischief. She hoped he felt that way too. [Name] trusted him with her life and proved she wasn't scared of giving it to him.

Loki started moving, and they eventually had to break their embrace. She already missed his hot breathing caressing her skin and his cold touch. The god stared at her for a while, making her wonder if she was in trouble or not. The prince was so hard to read.

"What were you thinking?" he glowered at the young woman.

The god's expression changed completely in the blink of an eye.

"I wasn't thinking actually. But you should be happy, you always say I think too much but act too little." she replied playfully.

Loki's eyes widened at her response, the young woman was clearly not getting the seriousness of the matter.

"Are you being serious? You could've died [Name]." Loki stated feeling his anger growing with each word.

"Look I know. What I did was crazy, but I'm still alive and I'm fine."

"Fine? Yeah, sure you are, laying in bed, unable to move, with broken bones and burned skin." the prince replied, critical.

"I'm still healing, Loki. Give me some time. The healers said I was recovering fast and that I'd get back to normal soon." [Name] added in an attempt to reassure the god.

"So, in your opinion I should be fine with you doing the stupidest thing you have ever done. Because apparently you are fine and healing fast. Right?"

[Name] didn't respond and simply rolled her eyes at him.

"Tell me [Name]. I shouldn't worry, right?" he said defiant.

"I didn't say that Loki."

"I still can't believe you were stupid enough to throw yourself at that monster." he continued, anger still visible on his face.

But slowly anger found its way to [Name] too. She couldn't believe how ungrateful the prince was right now. Dragons are beautiful creatures sure, and she was the one that convinced Loki to come and find one with her. But they had always put themselves in dangerous situations and she couldn't count how many times she thought she had lost Loki. So, she couldn't help but think that this situation was unfair. Sure, what she did was risky but there was certainly a reason behind it.

"You know I didn't throw myself at that dragon because I thought it would be funny. I did it to protect you Loki and I succeeded. Perhaps you could be a little grateful to me."

"I didn't need your protection. I can take care of myself, thanks." he replied coldly.

"Very well then. Try to not put yourself in danger next time." [Name] said a fake smile on her face.

"Excuse me?"

"What? I'm serious. Maybe if you had done a better job at protecting yourself, I wouldn't have thrown myself at that dragon. But I'm just saying." the young woman declared enjoying the look of surprise and annoyance on his face.

"Sure, now it's my fault. You are so good at playing the victim [Name]."

"Oh, but I learned from the best." she teased a real smile on her face this time.

Loki stared at her for a while, shaking his head. He really wanted to make her understand he hated the fact that she put her life in danger for him. But he certainly didn't need it to end in a fight. Because that young lady could go on and on when she thought she was right. Maybe she was after all. Yes, she did something dangerous but only because she felt it was necessary and he couldn't blame her for that.

Loki slowly leaned in and pressed his lips gently on hers. The kiss was soft and slow. Almost as if the god feared hurting her. But he could never. She deepened the kiss and felt herself melting over him. When they broke apart, they both had beautiful smiles gracing their lips.     

"Don't you ever fight a dragon for me again [Name]." Loki whispered.

"I would fight anything for you Loki." she replied with a small and sweet smile.

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