( i. ) viv criss!

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Viv was less than impressed to say the least. the blonde leaned against the side of Reg's car, though unlike the male next to her, Viv was kind enough to not put her dirtied shoe against the paint job.

"How long do you think it'll take Patrick to cum from all the violence he's about to unleash?" Viv asked her brother with a smirk as she watched Patrick taunt the rabbi's son. Vic scrunched his nose in disgust, looking at his sister distastefully.

"Gross Viv." Was Vic's only reply, leaning over to bump his shoulder against her own, Viv bumped him back the pair watched as the kid with the stutter and missing brother, Bill, appeared to stand up to Henry.

"This'll be good." Vic mumbled, watching as Henry walked towards Bill like a feral animal.

"No it won't." Viv replied, tilting her head to where Henry's dad was standing with Betty Ripsoms mom. The blonde felt a pang of pity for the woman who stood, looking hopelessly at the school doors, tears silently running down her face. Viv snapped out of it quickly however when she saw Butch Bowers give his son the look and Viv winced sympathetically.

Henry, Butch, and Patrick approached the car quickly, and Viv quickly moved away from the door so Butch could get in.

"Get out all of that testosterone yet boys?" Viv asked as she plucked the piece of gum Patrick was about to eat from his fingers, sending him a grin as she tore it in half and made a gesture for Patrick to open his mouth. The dark haired male obliged with a smirk and Viv fed him the gum, only to retreat her fingers quickly when he, predictably, tried to bite them as she put the other half of the piece of gum in her mouth.

"The little twerp should be grateful I gave him a pass." Henry growled in response as he walked around to the passenger side and opened the car door with much more force than necessary, not paying attention to Reg's hissed protest. Vic and Viv shared a look, knowing Henry was in one of his moods.

"Alright, I'm off losers." Viv exclaimed as the others got in the car. Vic reached out before she could so much as take a step, his fingers wrapping around her wrist in a flash.

"Where are too going?" To anyone else, the action would seem overprotective, controlling even. But Viv and Viv weren't anyone, and the girl knew just how much Betty Ripsom's disappearance had reminded him him that Viv was just as mortal as everyone else.

"I'm just going to hang with Bev for a while." Viv replied soothingly. "I'll no doubt catch you idiots in a bit."

"Have fun fingering Marsh Vivi, I know I did." Henry winked at her seductively and Viv flipped him off automatically, not rising to the bait the way she knew he wanted her to. Viv knew them like the back of her hand and their actions (minus maybe Patrick who never failed to be a wild card) were all to predictable now.

"Whatever you gotta say to help yourself sleep at night Henry." Viv replied with a sharp grin as she twisted her hand to squeeze Vic's own before moving away from them, rerolling up the sleeves of the dark flannel that covered her less-then-school-appropriate graphic tee as she did so.

"See ya, try not to get killed while I'm gone." They knew she wasn't joking, just as Viv hoped that they wouldn't be idiots.

Beverly Marsh was easy to find, the girl was waiting right where she and Viv had agreed, though she was talking to someone that Viv was unfamiliar with.

"Henry and his goons are overby the west entrance, so you should be alright." Beverly said to the unknown boy.

"You calling me a goon Marsh?" Viv called out, startling the kids around her and making the kid jump, eyes widening as he shook his head frantically and went to go stutter our denials. Viv chuckled softly and rolled her eyes, blowing a bubble with the mint flavored gum and jumping over the railing for a dramatic effect.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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