Chapter 14

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Madelaine POV:

    We've spent all morning packing and putting all of Vanessa's stuff into my apartment we started at 8am and now it's 3:30pm and I am exhausted me and my baby are just laying down on the bed watching movies and relaxing this right here is what I've always waited for in all my years of wanting the perfect person and the perfect dates and perfect everything I finally got it I got my perfect everything and I couldn't be happier
"Baby I'm hungry ima go make us something to eat ok I'll be back in a little" Vanessa says

"Ok don't take to long I wanna keep cuddling you"I say in a baby voice

"I know I know you never wanna let go of me"Vanessa says with a little giggle then kisses my cheek and walks to the kitchen

The movie me and Vanessa were watching had just ended so that means she has been in the kitchen for a good hour how long can it be to cook food I get up form the bed and walk into the kitchen to find Vanessa cooking still while watching some show on her phone so I decided a little prank would be a great idea to pull on her so I slowly tip toed back to the room see the thing is Vanessa is really really scared of ghost just one sound in the night will have her on top of me shaking so I'm gonna set up these speakers in and around the kitchen and play noises and tie strings to stuff so I can move them and have her go crazy....a couple minutes after everything is set up so I started playing the noises I can see Vanessa start looking around so I pulled the chair with the string and seen her jump man this is hilarious after a while she ran into the room and I ran into the closet to hide when's I heard "Madelaine?!!" "Baby!?" "Mads?!" Once she was close enough I jumped out of the closest and she jumped onto the bed and covered her face "boo!!" Is say as I take her hands form covering her face

"Omg omg that was not funny you know im scared of all that why would you do that?! Now I'm not gonna be able to sleep and we have to wake up early tomorrow" Vanessa says mad and scared still

"That was not funny your right that was hilarious" is ya laughing still

"You know what's funny"Vanessa says still mad

"What" I question curiously

"You not getting laid all week" Vanessa says and walks away to the kitchen

"Aww cmon baby?baby?Nessa?babygirl?" I say as I follow her into the kitchen sadly

"Nope nope nope nothing ur not getting nothing"Vanessa says

"Awww cmon it was just a prank I didn't mean you to get this scared" I say as I hang onto her arm as she tries to walk away

Vanessa POV:

Madelaine scared me and not a friendly scare it was so mean so I said it she isn't gonna get any at all nothing all week and now she is hanging on to me saying she is sorry I mean of course I can't hold backs week without messing around with her but she doesn't know that and I'm not gonna tell her that so ima let her go on on her apology

"Baby I'm so sorry I will never do it again ok I'm sorry"Madelaine says and kisses my hand

"Ok your still not getting anything so"I say still

"You sure about that" Madelaine says with a smirk

"Yupp 100% sure" I say confused at her sudden confidence

"Ok well then I guess I'm just gonna go change I'll be right back" Madelaine says and walks away

I watch her walk away why is she so ok with now what's sis she have up her sleeve now after a couple minutes later I see Madelaine come back and god did she make it known that she was back it's like she was walking in slow mo only wearing a lace bra and some panties way way to small for that booty she's just trying to kill me don't give in Vanessa don't give in

"Hey Baby do you need help cooking" Madelaine whispers in my ear

"I..i..I' good..y.yupp just perfect" I stutter out as I let my eyes wonder her body

"You sure well why don't I set up the table then" Mads says

This is going to kill me I know exactly why she wants to set up the table cause it right in my view point and she has to bend over the table at least 5 times I'm gonna die I see Mads get the plates and forks and everything we need and start setting it up she goes down for the first time ignore it your mad at her ignore it then it's the second then the third just two more just two more I say as my body is trying to leap on her but I'm holding it back then she switches sides to wear she's bending down informs of me but her head facing the other direction and I break I quickly go right up behind her and Smack! Is the only sound you hear and she turns around to face me with an I won smirk but this defeat is the best defeat ever as my hands are still gripped on her bottom she turns in my grip so she is facing me and I lean in and kiss her but she pulled back so quickly I barely felt her lips I look up confused and say

" hey hey what happened" is ya with a pout

"Oh what happened to not getting any all week" Mads says faking playing innocent

"That was long gone once you came out in that outfit" I say letting my eyes wonder again

"Is that so" Madelaine says

"Yup very very much no shush because you've been a very bad girl for teasing me like this" I say and squeeze her butt and start a make out on the table and of course like always it turns into more cause why would you stop when you have the most gorgeous human being in the planet in your arms kissing you I caring my beautiful girlfriend into the room and lay her on the bed as I looked at her and just take a second to admire her as a shy smile forms on her lips cause she knows what I'm doing

Madelaine POV:

My little teasing game worked perfectly all right she fell for it like a child in a candy store and I didn't plan to stop anytime soon so once she laid me on that I knew how the rest of the night would go and I had no reason at all to stop it from happening especially cause when Vanessa gets that look in her eye I know that what ever is about to happen is going to be amazing and that's exactly how the night went

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