"I found this place a few years ago when I first got my license," She tells me as we walk down a dirt path towards Lake Erie. 

The area is nothing special. Large rocks line the shoreline and there are tons of overgrown plants everywhere. I'm sure at one point in time, this was a lovely private beach. I really don't see what she sees, but I don't dare say anything in fear of wiping the smile off of her face. 

I watch as she unties her boots and slides her feet out of their warm leather. She pulls her socks off and then hops onto one of the large rocks and sits down. I quickly mimic her and sit down beside her, close enough where our sides are touching. She looks up at me for just a second before looking out at the water again. Something tells me that I should wait for her to talk first. 

We sit there for several moments as I wait for her to say something. I have questions I need to ask, but I don't want to scare her away - although I suspect this woman wouldn't be scared by much. 

"Sorry, being here just brings back some stuff." She says, a sad smile on her lips. I wrap my arm around her and bring her closer to me. Roxanne looks shocked for a moment but soon sinks into my hold. 

"It's okay," I tell her honestly before kissing the top of her hair. "Take all the time you need."

"You're nothing like the guy everyone talks about." She blurts out, making me chuckle. "I've always heard that you were this asshole with no heart who kills for fun."

"Well, in one part of my life, I am," I say. "But that's not me all the time. I'm only like that when I have to be."

"I see." She whispers as she cuddles into my chest. I feel like a girl saying this, but my heart soars at that moment. 

"What are you doing all alone out here anyway?" I ask. "I know you had a friend last night."

"Had being the keyword," She says distastefully. "She's not really happy with me right now."


"Yeah," She looks up at me and grins. "She wasn't too impressed with my choice of men last night."

I laugh and so does she - the magical sounds making me smile genuinely and fully. 

She really is beautiful. 

"Yeah, so, she told her fiance and he kinda lost it on me. Then my brother took his side and kicked me out of the house for a couple days. So, here I am." She continues and I can hear the pain behind her words. She's trying to make it seem like it's not that big of a deal, but I know deep down it's bugging her. 

"Do you have a place to go?" 

"Yeah. I have my own apartment, but usually, I just stay at home. I'm really close to my Dad."

"At least you have a place to go."

"Yeah," She sighs. "I just don't get it, though. We're family. We're supposed to stick together. I would never dream of kicking him out of the house, yet he didn't even hesitate. He picked his best friend over me and I don't understand that.

"Ever since Mom picked Heroin over us kids..."She trails off, her brows furrowing as a memory replays in her mind. "We've always been there for each other. Always. Even when I didn't want him to be, he was there. This just feels all wrong.

"I don't know why I'm telling you this." She whispers, releasing a slow breath. "This is a heavy conversation for the second encounter."

I hold her tighter in my arms in an attempt to give her the comfort she needs. She's a family girl and I can appreciate that. It's an important quality to have if she was to ever be my girl. 

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