Ghost of the Living Dead

Start from the beginning

"Annabeth, I wanted to tell you sooner! I really did." Percy begged for me to reason with him. "But you know how the gods get sometimes. And we didn't really have time to talk because you went on that quest with Nico remember?"

I knew he was right. But I just couldn't let it go. I don't know why, I just couldn't.

"There's something called an Iris Message" I mumbled under my breath, hoping that he didn't hear.

"Well it's not like you-" Percy started to shoot back when a ghost passed us looking lethal.

"Did you just-" I mumbled looking wide eyed as where the ghost had stomped in the Big House.

"Yeah." Percy gasped, looking pale.

It's not possible. I saw him get executed. I raced back into the Big House just in time to see him frozen in front of A.J.. Chiron seemed to be shocked for a few seconds before going in between of him and A.J.

"Mr. Cullen?" Chiron asked, sounding as shocked as I felt.

"Is that her? Of course it is, she looks just like her mother." Edward, demanded. He looked over Chiron and stepped around him and picked A.J. up in his arms at amazing speed.

"Mr. Cullen I don't think that's a wise idea." Chiron tried to intervene.

"No, maybe it's not. But she is my daughter. And if I do remember correctly demi-gods are raised by their mortal parent. And seeing as I could eventually die, I am considered mortal." Edward snapped. He made his way to the door only stopping to glance at Percy and me for a second, before disappearing into the woods.

"May the gods be with us." Chiron sighed.

****Beth's P.O.V

" is all this going to go down?" Ares asked once we were back on our thrones in Mount. Olympus. He dared to say what we were all pondering so hardly about.

How did we retrieve A.J. without making a spectacle? No mortal is even supposed to remotely know about me. Not after all the trouble we had to go through to make sure that part of history was erased, -me.

And it's not like we can just send Hermes waltzing in to retrieve her. Too many questions will arise. Some being, what an Olympian god would want to do with a demi-god.

"Beth may be able to slip back in to the camp. Undercover again of course." Artemis suggested, looking hopeful.

"No, that wouldn't work. The demi-gods think she's missing, possibly even dead." Auntie Hera shook her head at Artemis. "But Poseidon, didn't you send Triton to camp Half-Blood?"

I felt the corners of my lips slightly turn upwards remembering the encounter with Triton when I was imprisoned for being a suspect for being a spy.

"Yes. But he too has 'disappeared' in a battle against some monsters." Father sighed.

"Well, couldn't I just change into another form and arrive as a new camper?" I asked frustrated for not doing anything at the moment.

"I was thinking the same thing. The only draw-back is that it would look suspicious if a new camper all of a sudden arrived and disappeared with the newly found toddler demi-god." Mother grimaced.

"I have an idea." Lera suddenly spoke up. The rest were still a bit wary about her, so the looked uncomfortable. "I can go to Camp to retrieve A.J.. And so it doesn't look suspicious I'll stay at camp until it's the right time." Lera continued.

"NO! That is the most-" Apollo jumped up in protest, but Uncle Z held a hand up to quiet him.

"That is actually a strategy that could possible work." Uncle Z seemed to think it through, "And it could serve as Valeria's punishment for treason."

There was a murmur of agreements in the room and then Mother spoke, "Whatever Beth decides is fine by me."

So that's it. I get the saying. "Do it."


Alice's P.O.V

"Well, he's not in Canada." Rosalie announced coming in through the front door and dropping her bags next to the wall. Emmett came in behind her caring the rest of them.

"Not in Alaska either." I sighed. We were still searching for Edward, and we didn't have a single clue to tell us where he was. It was as if he just dropped off the face of Earth.

Esme and Carlisle were currently looking for him somewhere in the wild of Africa to see if he suddenly just decided to backpack hiking.

Now we used the house on the outskirts of Forks as a headquarters. I just hope Edward is alright and didn't go off on a rogue killing spree. But for some reason, I just knew that wasn't the reason. I felt as if there was something missing. I couldn't explain it, but I just felt it.


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