Chapter 2

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Midoriya's P.O.V

I don't wanna. I don't wanna. I don't wanna. I kept whining to myself on the walk to work. I was perfectly happy lying in bed and playing video games all day. Why did my boss have to schedule me today? I know that I work every Saturday but that doesn't change the fact that I don't wanna work.

While walking on the sidewalk, I hear some rustling from the alley next to the café. I look over by the dumpsters and sigh. Why do we constantly have raccoons? There are many different restaurants with much better food in their dumpsters.

I shake off my thoughts and walk inside the café. Going behind the counter, I grab my apron and clock in. I don't wanna be here. I don't wanna be here. I don't wanna be here. I don't wanna- 

My thoughts are suddenly cut off by the bell chiming, signaling a customer. I look up and my eyes widen slightly. Standing at the counter is Endeavor. Usually, I would freak out that I get to interact with a hero but this is Endeavor.

I compose myself and plaster on a fake smile. "How can I help you today?" I ask in my customer service voice, so tempted to yell at him. I see Endeavor look away for a second and his eyes come back to me.

"You're friends with Shoto, right?" He asks, catching me off guard. Um...This is weird. Why would he want to know if I'm friends with Todoroki-kun? Is he throwing a party? Is Todoroki-kun lost? Did something happen? Is he hurt? Is he-

I snap out of thought and reply, "Yea, he's in my class. Why do you ask?" I try hiding my fear and concern.

"He ran away last night and I've been worried sick about him," he responds. What a liar. He doesn't care about him. I've seen the way he talks to him.

"Sorry, I haven't seen him. Maybe try the next town over?" I suggest, wanting him to go. Endeavor nods his head as thanks and leaves. I let out a sigh. Todoroki-kun ran away? I mean, it's something he would want to do but not something he would actually do. He told me his sister lives with him. I know how much he loves his sister and doesn't want her alone with Endeavor. I need to figure this out.

Todoroki's P.O.V

God. Last night couldn't have been any longer. Sleeping in an alley was the last thing I wanted to do but I had to since I don't have any money or anywhere to stay. The spiders were the worst. All of their legs crawling up my arms. I can still feel their legs. Why do spiders even exist? Who needs that many legs? God, I hate spiders. I wish I had shelter. I hate sleeping here but I hate home more.

Slipping out of thought, I hear familiar footsteps and look up. I watch my father come out of the building next to the alley. Why was he in there? What is that place? I step out of the alley to look at the building next to me. The local Brick House Café that Midoriya works at on the weekends. I shove my bag behind a few empty crates and make my way inside.

The bell chimes as I enter the café, causing Midoriya looks up from the counter. His face flushes and his eyes grow wide. I watch as he scrambles to clean himself up a bit before giving me a bright smile. Adorable.

"H-How c-can I h-help yo-you?" Midoriya stutters while attempting to maintain eye contact but failing. It's impossible, but it made him cuter. I give him a smile before looking up at the menu and deciding on a coffee.

"I'll take a small coffee with two sugars and cream," I say, looking into his large, emerald eyes. He gives a shaky nod and turns to make my coffee. I take out my wallet while he's putting a lid on the coffee. Midoriya turns back around with a cute closed-eyed smile. He placed the coffee on the counter and I opened my wallet.

"How much is it?" I ask, counting a few bills in my hand. I look up and see his face redder than before.

"N-nothing. It's on the house." He speaks, still giving me his award-winning smile. I give him a questioning look and he just nods. He picks up the coffee and gives it to me. I slowly walk to one of the provided tables, trying to avoid limping.

I sip my coffee, watching people go along with their day. I see some familiar faces, but nothing too exciting. Time flies and the sun starts to set. I stand from my chair, wobbling a bit from the stab wound. I throw away my empty cup and walk back to the alley. I grab my bag and prepare for another restless night.

Time Skip to Monday Morning

I open my eyes as my annoying alarm starts to sound. I pull my phone from my bag to check the time. Luckily, Fuyumi packed me a portable charger. The charge is almost gone, but at least my phone isn't dead. I stand up and walk to the nearest gas station to change. After leaving, I make sure my school supplies are in my bag before making my way to UA.

I enter the building and make my way to class 1-A. Opening the large door, I walk to my desk with my bag around my torso. I sit and watch everyone walk in and start conversing with each other. Of course, Kaminari was asking if Mic had an English test for us, which he did.

"Today we will continue our research. I have a list of partners for the project, so no choosing partners," Aizawa spoke, not caring. He began reading off the list. "Mina and Sero, you will have Mount Lady. Kaminari and Aoyama, you will have Best Jeanist. Tokoyami and Sato, you will have 13. Todoroki and Midoriya, you will have Endeavor..."

Aizawa continued the list, but I didn't pay attention. I was too busy freaking out. The first thing is that I'm working with my crush. The second thing is that I have to research that sad sack of shit. I know quite a bit about him, but I just can't see what he does for anyone else. He only cares for himself.

My thoughts are cut off by Midoriya tapping my shoulder with a cute smile. I watch him look down and start to speak. "Todoroki? M-My mom isn't doing good. She has f-food poisoning from work and-and isn't doing too well. I w-would suggest that we g-go to your place if you want since we can see what Endeavour's l-living en-environment is like and so my mom can rest and get better. But we don't have to if you don't want to. I was just thinking..." Midoriya kept rambling, a blush on his face.

I freeze for a second, looking like I just saw a ghost. He can't come over. There is no 'over' to go to. My house is an alleyway. He would hate me. I can't go to my house because He's there and that bitch would kill me.

"Are you all right?" Midoriya asks with concern laced in his voice. I nod my head, not knowing what to do. His mom is sick and we can't go to his house. I'm stuck. I don't know what to do. I sigh and just speak.

"Sorry. But that can't happen." I say, barely over a mumble. He gives me a questioning look. I don't want him to know where I'm living right now.

"Why not? I-Is your father home? Maybe there is somewhere else we can work if-if you can't have me come over," Midoriya says, a little disappointed. I was still out of it but I was happy he thinks it's because my father is home, which he is. But now I don't have to come up with an excuse.

"Yeah okay. Uh-huh." I say, looking in front of me with wide eyes. Midoriya looks at me, concern everywhere. I'm still dazed and now it's gaining the attention of groups around us.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're acting strange, Todoroki." Midoriya said. I just nod and get up when the bell rings.

Edited: July 31st, 2023

Home is Where the Heart Is (Under Editing)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara