
"That time ?" I prepared myself for what I was about to tell him.

"No it's not that ." I didn't want to tell him over the phone but who knows when they'll let me see him before his trial.

"Well What is it ?" I sighed.

"Baby ..I'm pregnant." There was silence on the phone making me nervous. I was about to say his name then I heard a chuckle.

"I'm gonna be a daddy?" I smiled ear to ear and laughed.

"You're gonna be a daddy ." He sighed but I could tell it was a happy sigh.

"That's why it's so important for you to get home..we need you here ."

"I'll do whatever I can to get home to the both of you ."

"I know you will." Even when he wasn't physically here hearing his voice was like a breath of fresh air for me.

"Let the squad know I appreciate them for holding it down fa me and taking care of you ."

"I will." There was talking in the back before we spoke.

"Alright they say my time is up ..I just wanted to hear your voice." I nodded letting my tears fall down my cheeks.

"I did too."

"I love you." I sighed smiling and closing my eyes.

"I love you too ."


I took a deep breath and gripped the steering wheel. I didn't make it to the fair but I knew at least Maya and Typh would be at her place. I turned the last left turn putting me on the road where the house is. The closer I got the more nervous I got. I couldn't imagine their reactions because anything and everything can happen. You might as well say I was more concerned about Maya . It literally can change everything between us, friendship wise but who knows. I pulled up in the yard noticing Corey car leaving meaning they just got home.

"Here goes nothing." I whispered to myself getting out the car. I walk up to the door and slowly knocked. The door opened revealing Typh with a confused look on her face and her hand on her belly.

"Chres what you doing here? Where were you earlier?" I sighed and stepped in when she let me . I went to the couch and sat down with my head in my hands .

"I'm in some shit." I heard her sigh and sit down across from me.

"What you do this time?" I huffed leaning back on the sofa.

"Man I-"

"Typh who was at the door?" Hearing her voice made my heart beat speed up. I shut my eyes when I heard footsteps meaning she was coming down the stairs.

"Chres what's wrong with you? " I sat up and opened my eyes to look into hers . I couldn't look into those eyes and tell her . Maybe I should hold off..and just see if it's really true. What am I saying? I know this shit is true. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt the sofa dip beside me.

"Just tell us what's wrong.." She put her hand on my back rubbing it assuringly. I looked at the floor then looked at her finally gathering up the courage.

"It's about Desiree.."

"What about her? She tripping again? You know we pull up on ho-" I cut Typh off.

"No no it's not that."

"Then What is it?" I stayed silent. Sitting there fighting myself on what to do. But there was only one right thing to do at this point.

"She's pregnant y'all." I looked into Maya's eyes and seen hurt flashed between them. But as soon as she blinked it was gone. She got up and started to walk back upstairs but stopped and turned around.


"That's it?"

"What you want me to say Chres?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't know but more than that ." She shrugged.

"There's nothing else for me to say right now, I'm just-"

"Shocked." Typh said finishing her sentence and she nodded.

"I don't even know why I'm feeling like this , I need to lay down something because this is.." she stopped before she pinched the bridge of her nose. What was glistening on her finger caught my eyes. I felt anger rise up in me and stood up.

"What is that on your finger?" She looked at me with confused eyes then realized what I was talking about.

"It was a gift." I scoffed then shook my head and she tilted her head .


"You're full of it you know that ." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Nah I didn't know but since I am enlighten me Romelo." I waved off her anger.

"You running around with this nigga knowing that I have deep feelings for you ." She laughed.

"Maybe you do , but you have a funny way of showing it ."

"Man I -"

"Fuck that. Whatever unspoken thing we had between us came to an end because you got a girlfriend remember?" Before I could respond she continued.

"You backwards as fuck. I let you be happy with ole girl despite on how much ion like her , but the minute I date someone you got a problem? What you expected me to wait for you?" I remain silent . As much as I didn't want to admit that is what I expected. My silence gave her that answer and she laughed hard.

"This ain't that type of party." I folded my arms.

"Why didn't you tell me how you felt before all this? Maybe this could've been avoided.." she looked around then looked at me crazy.

"I'm sorry I didn't know I was the only one that had feelings. Yeah maybe I should've said something but you could've too. Don't make it seem like I was in it myself. It is what it is , we both moved on ."

"What if I didn't?" She looked taken back my my question.

"What?" I walked closer to her .

"What if I didn't?" I grabbed her hand. I took a deep breath.

"Truth is ...I tried to convince myself that it was just a phase . But I can't stop thinking about you . I know it's wrong but you're really all I think about." I seen her eyes welled up with tears and she took her hand back.


"That's what I was trying to do . All that time we spent away from each other ...I thought it would do me some good...but that shit killed me. I liked Des but I lowkey been using her to try to forget about you ...but I can't ." She looked away from me and wiped her tears.

"What are you tryna say Chres?"

"I'm saying that no matter what went down between us this year ...I'm still in love with you ."

"Oh shit .." I heard Typh say. I honestly forgot she was still sitting there. But I should be thanking her. She gave me the encouragement to speak up, even though she's prolly gonna strangle me because I decided to do it right now.

"I.." As if she was looking for the right thing to say. She shook her head violently and turned to walk up the stairs. I grabbed her hand.

"Maya lis-"

"Chres this is ...I can't do this right now ." I seen more tears fell down her cheeks. Before I knew it my eyes were tearing up.

"Tell me you don't feel the same way then." I said trying not to break down.

"Chres please-"

"Tell me...and I'll leave you alone ." She looked into my eyes and sighed.

"I can't .." she said softly. Before I could register what she just said she ran up to Typh room and closed the door.

Awe hell..well that was suck a turn in events.

No edit excuse mistakes ⚠️

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