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Saya berdiri jauh tingu si doll flirting sama tu lelaki. Adui Dolly...Mestikah ko ksh sakit hati saya lagi? What the hell is she trying to do anyway?

Then suddenly saya nampak ni saturang perempuan, laju dia jalan pi meja durg si doll. Wait...Mae?

"Honey!!! What is this? Ko ada perempuan----"

Dia kenal tu lelaki? Great...just great. Then I knew straight away that she is the culprit behind all the mess. Apa bah dia mau sebenarnya ni? Teda lagi saya tunggu2, saya terus pi ambush dia.

"Christy MAE!!! What the hell is going on here??!"


"I think this is only a misunderstanding---" Baru tu lelaki bersuara, tadi mcm buduh ja saya tingu tu gaya dia. 😏

"U shut up!! I need explanation, right now!"

Saya tarik tangan si Mae ikut saya pi parking lot, sana nda ramai org, senang saya mo teriak ni betina. Dolly sama tu lelaki pun terus mcm ikut kami dari belakang.

"Now, talk!" Saya ksh lepas tgn dia, kasar.

"What do U expect me to say?! U don't want me anymore kan? Jd skrg sa kluar sama sepa tu teda kaitan sama ko!"

Saya smirk ja.

"Stop acting, Mae. I don't give a fxck ko keluar sama sepa. U were the one who sent me those texts and picture, and don't try to deny it!"

"Apa ko ckp ni, Lex? Text apa?"

"Texts that telling me Giana was cheating on me. Ko yg plan semua ni kan?"

"Something wrong with ur brain, Lex. Sa nda tau apa ko ckp ni. Do U think I have time to do all these?"

"Fine. Nda pa bah kalau ko nda mengaku tp mulai hari ni sa nda mo tingu muka ko lagi...and U better stay away from us!"

Saya pusing and tarik tangan Dolly but suprisingly si Mae pi tarik rambut si doll then tulak dia sampai jatuh. Saya terkejut nampak dia pi attack si doll begitu. Terus mulai sdh dia teriak2 mcm kana histeria.

"S!al punya perempuan...kalau bukan pasal ko Lexter sdh balik sama sa. Kxmaa....dasar sundalan!!"

Saya back up Dolly, then boyfren si Mae terus tarik dia jauh dr si doll. What happen to U, Mae? Dulu dia nda pernah begini aggresive. She was the one who dump me, nda patut dia marah mcm ni.

"Enough Mae!! Enough!! Just let it go, will U?" Blg boyfren dia.

"Kalau bukan pasal ni perempuan, lama sdh plan kita menjadi, Joey!"

Plan? Saya terus tingu tu lelaki, si Joey. Baru si Mae sedar kali dia mcm terlepas ckp, berubah tu riak muka dia. Apa lagi saya, mana mo give up begini saja. Who knows what she will do in the future kan?

"What plan? tau kamu dua ada plan jahat sama kami. I said what PLAN??!!"

"Cool down, bro...kami---"

"I'm not ur bro! Bgs kamu cakap apa plan kamu! Cakap cpt!!"

Si Mae start sdh nangis2 di sana. Selagi durg nda terus terang, selagi tu saya akan paksa durg.

"Mae..stop crying please. Sorry, I had to tell them." Blg Joey sambil peluk si Mae. Lepas tu si Joey pusing tingu saya dan Dolly.

"Sorry, Lexter..and to U too, Giana. Sbnrnya bisnes bridal si Mae di aussie ada masalah, and she needs money to cover all her debts. Dia blg dia ada kawan bulih tlg dia byr hutang2 dia. It was U, Lexter but in order to do that she needs to win ur heart."

Unforgettable Sins : The Story of Two Sinners #Book3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now