Austin performing

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If I didn't mention that u have been rooting to e U Girl since last February. Show Mobile helped alit . And so did YouTube . You thought you were going to have no chance to be U girl . Austin finally came on and all u thought was DAMN!!!!! That was so attractive how you flipped your hair. It was so silent in the room for a second so u screamed that out loud. Austin smiled and started singing Mmm Yeah. You performed a couple songs and he was singing "The One I Waited For" and he bent over and touched your hand and winked. Since you were in front row you had a lot of chances do touch his hand. "U" was next and you wanted it so bad. So you saw TC standing right down the way. You yelled his name a couple times. And he came over and he remembered u bc he saw u and Austin chatting before the show. You whispered to him that u wanted it so bad and u have been trying for so long. He whispered back and said jump this fence for me plz. Austin was taunting you down. U reached out for Austin's help . He gave u a hand while finishing up "The One I Waited For" . U jumped over it and all the fans behind u started pushing. Your friend was just standing there. But he told her wait . So she did . You were backstage waiting and Austin came offstage to change to his U Girl outfit. He saw you and you asked him if ur friend can backstage so she not alone. Austin said ya just let me tell TC to go get her. So he did and he had to go change so left . TC got ur friend and brought her backstage. You were freaking out bc you were getting to excited. Austin was back on stage and "U" came on.

Next chaper in a hour.!! Hope you like it!! Love you all thanks for support.!!!

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