Chapter 3

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Clary could hardly wait for the baby, but something was going on with Jace and she new it. So the day Clary planned to figure out and she was going to find out.

Jace walked into the kitchen to find Clary sitting at the table with their dog Jake at her feet. " Hey Clare Bear" Jace says kissing her forehead and sitting down next to her. " Hey baby" Clary says. " Okay Jace I'm just gonna come right out and say it, WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU!" Jace looked surprised and confused at Clary's tone of voice." Clary please calm down" Jace said putting a hand on her shoulder and trying calm her down but she wouldn't budge. " Jace I need you tell me are y-you" Clary couldn't finish she was already engulfed in tears. Jace went to her and picked her up bride style ant to her to the bedroom and set her down " Clary what ever it is that you think I did or I'm doing I'm not. Fine, I'll tell you but I wanted to be a surprise for when the baby was born." Clary had stopped crying and was listening intently. " I'm taking wood carving classes from that shop down the road I wanted to make a crib for baby John" Clary cut him off with a big smile on her face " Baby John? Where did that come from?!" She laughing " Why do you not like that name?!" Jace said confused " Jace I had a boyfriend named John." Clary said laughing harder at the thought of Jace being Jealous. " K we are changing that name right now no John!" Clary and Jace both laughed.

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