I groan. "But you drive like my eighty-four-year-old neighbour, Lace." 

"There is nothing wrong with being a slow driver."

"Whatever. Meet me at my house. We will change and we will take my car. It's a lot better than yours." I say swinging my leg over my motorcycle before firing it to life. "And don't you go sneaking back into the clubhouse to Hunter. I will know." I give her a pointed look before taking off, rocks flying up as I speed off. 

I love Lacey. She's been my best friend since Kindergarten when I punched the Stevens twins for bullying the poor girl for wearing a princess dress to school. We are polar opposites, but we just work. I'm loud, obnoxious and a royal pain in the ass, while she is quiet, soft-spoken and compliant. I'm leather and ripped jeans, she's bows and pretty dresses. I'm night and she's day. 

If you know what I mean. 

I brought her into this life where she just so happened to meet Hunter - a man who you wouldn't even imagine this innocent, little girl ever ending up with. But, he treats her like the princess she is and I couldn't ask for a better man. He worships the dirt she walks on and that's what she needs - especially after dealing with her asshole father for the past twenty-four years. 

Rounding the bend, my eyes land on my father's house. It's huge - able to house multiple men and women who are part of the Red Devils. I ease up as I reach the gate and wait for it to slowly slide open enough for me to squeeze through. 

I ride up to the garage and pull up beside my father's bike. Turning the engine off, I remove my helmet and my ponytail, allowing my hair to fall down my back in loose waves. 

"Hey Rox." My brother's baritone voice says and I turn to look up at him. "What's going on?"

"Just stopping by to get ready for tonight. Lace and I are gonna check out that new bar in the town over. Just Lace and I." I say firmly, eyeing him closely. 

He raises his hand and a smirk graces his lips. "I wouldn't dream of crashing girls' night." He chuckles as he winks.

I roll my eyes. "I swear to fucking God, you aren't coming, Trevor," I tell him, swinging my leg over my bike.

"Oh come on, Rox. Who's gonna keep all those horny bastards off of ya, eh?" He says as I walk towards the garage door. I can hear him following behind me. 

"I can handle myself!" I say, shrugging. "I have a pretty solid right hook, you know first hand."

He laughs. Loudly. "But you need someone to keep your honour and shit!"

"I can 'keep my own honour', thank you very much," I tell him angrily as I open the door. "Dad! I'm home!"

"In my office!"

"But what if some huge guy puts his grimy hands all over you?"

"I'll do exactly what you showed me when I was three years old," I say, turning to face him. "I'll knee him," I bring my knee into my brother's groin. "And then I will punch him right in the face." 

"Fuck, Rox!" He curses, bending over and grabbing himself. 

"Are you two fighting again?" My father says as he looks up at us with a small smile on his face. He's seated at his desk, as usual, with mountains of paperwork just waiting to be finished. 

"Hi Daddy," I say with a smile before walking over and planting a kiss on his cheek. His long beard tickles my nose, but I wouldn't have it any other way. He's had that thing ever since I could remember. 

"What did you do to your brother now?" He asks, raising a brow. 


"She kneed me in the-"

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