•then where?

Jungkook: we'll go on a date

•a date?

Jungkook: yes

•i have never skipped school unless i was sick

Jungkook: well i have skipped it countless times for no reason ,but this time it's special because it's for you

~i smiled as he sticked his head near me in a sign of a kiss~

~i kissed him and continued driving~

~i texted Bff/n to see how she is doing~
•Hey! What's up?

Bff/n: Yah! Taehyung picked me up and he said that he will be taking me to his house

•wait... what? Ummm why don't you go for a walk?

Bff/n: what do you mean Y/N?

•Like I mean a walk in the park or go for a restaurant instead

Bff/n: why?

•well, i don't think he wants you in his house just for a talk

Bff/n: oh i see....... you think that i'll let myself be an easy target😡

•what?.... No!

Bff/n: yes that's what you exactly mean

•no it's not, i'm just worried for you, like Taehyung does not always have limit and remember he is a part of the playboys

Bff/n: well, either is Jungkook ,but you go out with him


Bff/n: worry about your life and let me live mine Y/N

•stop it Bff/n!! You don't know what's gonna happen if-

Bff/n: WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?! For you it's okay to have a date with Jungkook at the park but for me Taehyung will rape me huh?


Bff/n: it's still the same!!!!! Bye Y/N

•wait, okay i'm sorry....

~she didn't reply me~

~i tried to call her ,but she didn't reply~

~i sighed in anger ,but then felt so sad that i almost cried because she is my best friend and we have not fought like that~

~great!! I just made my best friend hate me~

~Jungkook pulled off the car and we got off as the park was so beautiful and fresh~

~Jungkook crosses his hands with mine and walked through the park~

~my mind was still on Bff/n as my eyes filled with tears ,but i held back~

Jungkook: Y/N?

~i looked at him~


Jungkook: are you okay?

•ye- yes i'm fine

Jungkook: okay...

~we walked ,but then Jungkook stopped and tightened his hand with mine and looked in my eyes~

Jungkook: okay, i know something is bothering you, now tell me

•it's nothing, it's just...

~i was about to burst in tears ,but i tried my best to hold it back~

Jungkook: come on Y/N, you can trust me, i swear i'm always there for you

~i sighed and then told him~

Him? Or Him? |Completed|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt