Hideri Kanzaki x Male Reader

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What was Manager thinking? Taking a vacation to a mountain, and just to confess to Maika-San? Won't she notice that he's trying a little too hard to swoon her over and hate him instead of love him? Oh well. Not my problem. My problem is with Amano Mui-San. I'm afraid she'll try and do something to me and Kanzaki-San. I...I may or may not have developed feelings for Kanzaki. You may be thinking, poor thing, he doesn't know that Kanzaki is a boy, but I know that. I just have these feelings towards Kanzaki, huge feelings towards him. The trip would be the perfect time and place to reveal my feelings towards him, but it's too difficult for me to do. I just don't want to hear the word "no." It would break my heart to hear that word being thrown towards my face. Oh well. Since we already got here, I might as well have fun while I'm here.
     The first day of our "vacation" from cafe stilé, we went to the hotel that we would be staying at, and left our things there. After that, we went to rent some snow gear equipment, almost everyone choosing the snowboard while Kanzaki chose the ski equipment. I myself, decided to ski, even though I did not know how to ski at all. I hoped Hideri would teach me the basics, but the chances of that happening were close to none.
     3rd Person
     Hideri noticed that everyone but (yn) chose the snowboarding equipment. He did not care at all, but did enjoy the fact that he wasn't going to be the only one who will be on the skis. Hideri walked up to (yn), and asked him if he would like to have a ski race. (Yn), being madly in love with Hideri, turned red at the thought of being alone with him, and tried to explain, even though with great difficulty because of stammering, that he never skied in his life. After a couple of tries, Hideri understood that (yn) does not know how to ski. "I'll teach you the basics then." Hideri said. (Yn) nodded, exited for the teaching.
     Hideri has never taught anything to anyone, so this was new and exiting. What did bother him, was the fact that whenever he would try to teach (yn) something by holding his hand, for example, how to hold the ski stick things correctly, (yn) would heat up and turn red as a tomato. Hideri wasn't dense, so he knew that (yn) has feelings for him, but wouldn't point it out, at least, not yet. After teaching the basics to (yn), he could finally move around and maneuver himself in the snow. He actually did it quite well, which is why Hideri was wondering if his teaching was really that great.

(Yn)'s point of view, or, for smart people, 1st person

     After a fun time learning from Kanzaki-sensei, I finally learned the basics of skiing. It's actually pretty fun, and not because I'm with Kanzaki-San. How quick time flies, huh. And with that, our first day off has come to an end. With that, we went to bed, nothing really fun happening this night. I.. ummmm. I didn't sleep that well. No I did, but I kept waking up from dreaming about Hideri Kanzaki-San. The next day, we went to the same place and rented the same gear. While everyone was looking at Dino's Otaku snow gear, Kanzaki-San and I went to the ski lift to have a real ski race. Once we got to the top, we took a small break to get ready, and then on the count of three, we sped off from the top. It was a fine race, I didn't fall off once, but at the end, when I tried to get closer to Kanzaki-San to thank him again, I slipped a little when I was thinking about him and lost my balance, falling and turning into a giant snowball. When I got to the bottom of the mountain,the snowball that I was in cracked and I was able to get out of it. Everyone was Staring at me, wondering what in the world happened. I asked for forgiveness, and everyone returned to whatever they were doing. Dino was having his way with Maika, ummm, by that I mean he was teaching Maika how to snowboard. Kanzaki-San walked up to me and asked me if I was alright. Him asking me if I was alright? What is this, heaven? I answered, saying that I was fine, without stammering or or turning red. This was a fun day, I'll have to say. On the second night, nothing happened either. The rest of the week went by pretty much the same. Kanzaki-San and I went to the top of the hill to have a ski race, I would do fine, Kanzaki-San would usually win the race, but it would be a close one. I would be really close to winning, and then we would end the race. After that, we would maybe race again, or I would just watch him ski. It was an interesting sight. I really loved how professionally he skied. Afternoon hits, so we go back to the hotel, and everyone goes to the hot springs.
3rd Person
     "Don't you think Maika-San will notice that you're trying a little to hard to swoon her over?" (Yn) asked. "I was about to ask the same thing!" Hideri said. "(Yn)'s right" said Koyo Akizuki. "She may not notice your crush on her, but she isn't dense enough to not notice how you are trying a little too hard to make her fall for you." The group of guys were in the male spring, talking about this whole trip and how it was planned just to make Maika fall for Dino. "Not only that, you're also going to confess on the night before the departure?! That's definitely suspicious. Almost as if you planned this whole trip out so at the end she couldn't say no." (Yn) said. "Don't say that so loudly!!!" Said Dino. "I don't want anyone but you guys to know because they might tell Maika-San. Also, I did not plan it the way you say I did." "Sure" Said Hideri. "I'm not going to listen to someone who is using a towel to hide their non existent breasts." Said Dyno. The whole afternoon went on like this, arguments and splashing of water. Everyone was happy, everyone was enjoying their lives. Everyone, including (yn). He was really happy that he was able to spend so much time with Hideri, and hoped that that would resume the next day.
     The rest of the week was mostly the same thing over and over again. But, on the night before their departure, something magical happened...
     After the outdoors bath, everyone went to get dressed for bed. Hideri didn't want to go to sleep yet, so he decided to play some table tennis with someone. He walked up to Amano Mui. "Hey Mui. You wanna play some table tennis?" "Shhhhh." She said. "Manager is going to confess to Maika! Look!" Hideri looked to where she was pointing, and saw that Dino was sitting next to Maika, really close. Like really really close. He was talking. Saying something, telling her something or the other. You know the story. Maika leans on him, and falls asleep. Dino thinks that she's trying to make a move on him, and tries to say something witty, but sees that she's asleep, so he decides to bring her back to her room, being every girls' room. "He's coming this way!" (Yn) whispers. Everyone runs away back to their rooms, everyone, but (yn) and Hideri.
1st person (yn)'s side
     Wow he actually kind of did it. It's sad that Maika was sleeping when he said what he wanted to say. Now that he was carrying her to her room, we needed to hide somewhere. "We probably won't be able to make it to our room. So why not play some table tennis?" Asked Kanzaki-San. I agreed, and we went to the table courts. We started playing, which was fun, because I never really played table tennis competitively, and I was finally beating Kanzaki-San at something. "You're pretty good at this, (yn). Where did you learn to play like this?" Asked Kanzaki-San. "Back at my place, my father and I would play table tennis because we had a court there. I would always lose, but every single time I played, I got better and better. I would learn all of my father's moves, every trick that he had, and then one day, I beat him. He was so proud of me that we went to a bar to celebrate. He ordered himself some beer and I got apple juice, which is my favorite drink. The beer didn't have any foam on it, so the order got mixed up. I got the beer and my father got the juice. We tasted the drinks at the same time, so he couldn't have stopped me. I got a big sip from our cheers, and then I was drunk for the rest of the night. My mother was really angry at my father for letting that happen, but I was so happy. I finally beat my dad after many years of training." I said. "But then, I found something else that I fell in love with. Music. It was so beautiful to me. Classical music was a heavenly sound. I listened to many different pieces and then, I decided to pick up an instrument. I chose the violin, because it sounded so beautiful when I played it. After a couple of years of learning, I finally got a custom made violin. It was beautiful. Then I decided to perform in front of an audience, my family. I called every single person, every single family member over to my house. Then I tried to perform. It was a success. Everyone loved it. I thought of joining an orchestra, but I didn't have enough money to pay for the entrance fee. Then, when I thought my musical career was over, I was walking down the street, feeling down, and saw Cafe Stile. I walked into it to get something to eat, not knowing what kind of restaurant it was, and was greeted by the tsundere. She took me to a seat and I ordered the least expensive thing there was to quench my appetite. The food there was extraordinary. It was delicious, simply put it. The service was, interesting, to say the least. I then noticed that this cafe was hiring. After visiting this place for a couple of times, I wanted to work here. But I noticed that only females worked here, so all hope was lost. But I still wanted to ask. I asked and they let me work here as part of the service: the entertainment! I would come here, and play music. I would leave my violin at home, because I wouldn't need it. I bought a grand piano for the cafe so I could play on it. Oh yeah. I also learned how to play the piano pretty well. People loved it, I think. Oh goodness. I'm sorry I rambled on and told you my backstory. Sorry." I could feel myself turning red. "It's fine. I always wanted to hear your backstory to the cafe." Said Kanzaki-San, trying to calm me down. "Dang I'm thirsty. Would you mind getting us some drinks? I'd like some juice. Preferably apple juice." "I guess I'll have that too. I'll go get them for us."
     3rd person
     Amano Mui was watching the whole thing. She saw and heard everything that (yn) had said. She knew about the huge crush (yn) had on Hideri. She wanted to help him, and also wanted to get new material for her project. So, she was going to do the old switcheroo trick on the drinks. One of the drinks should be apple cider, since (yn) already knows the taste of beer. The cider they have here should contain alcohol. So, either Hideri-Chan drinks the cider and reveals his true feelings, or (yn) will, doing the same thing. As (yn) went to go get the drinks, Amano Mui went to get the cider from a different drink tender, since there were more than one. As (yn) was walking back with the drinks, he forgot to pay for them, not knowing that they were free. He placed the drinks onto a bench, and ran back to the drink stand to pay for the juice. Amano Mui got there in the nick of time, drank the apple juice and put the cider into the glass, and ran away to hide. "The drinks are free. It's ok you don't need to pay for them!" The woman at the stand said, smiling. "Really? Thank you so much. I appreciate it." (Yn) said and ran back to get the drinks to Hideri.
1st (yn) person
     As I got back to Kanzaki-San, I had one question in mind. "Do you like jazz? Kanzaki-San?" "Jazz hmm? Not really I guess. I've never listened to jazz before." He said. That's a little sad. Maybe I should let Kanzaki-San listen to some jazz when we get back from this vacation. "There's this one jazz song that I really like. It's called Sway. It's sung by Michael Buble, making the song that much better. We can listen to it when we get back to the cafe if you want." I said.
3rd person
     Amano Mui, hearing that (yn) brought up that exact song that she liked, knew what he meant. The song was amazing. It was a love song. And it was perfect for her plan. Once they take a sip of their drinks, I'll turn on my speaker and put that song on so (yn) will have an easier time confessing. "Oh! By the way thank you for getting me the juice." Hideri said, grabbing the apple juice. "Of course." (Yn) Said. Anything for you Kanzaki-San. "A toast, congratulating Manager for finally confessing, even though it was all void in the end." (Yn) said jokingly. He grabs the glass with the apple cider in it, clinks glasses with Hideri, they both yell "cheers!" and drink the juice till the glasses are empty. A couple of minutes pass of the two playing table tennis, and Amano Mui notices that (yn) is faltering a bit, which means it's time to get the plan rolling. She pulls out her speaker, it's small, so they won't notice it, but loud so they will hear it. She finds the song on her phone, turns the song on, and it plays through the Bluetooth speaker.
     "Hey look, it's that song that I was talking about. Looks like someone is listening to it in their room" (Yn) says, tripping over his words. "You know, I've always wanted to dance with someone to this song. It's just such a great one. So successful. Kanzaki-san. Would you please let me dance with you this one time?" "W-well... this is quite sudden, I don't reallyyyaaaaaaah!" Hideri says, unable to finish his sentence as (yn) grabs him by the hands and begins dancing with him. Hideri doesn't stop (yn), because this is a first for both of us, also because he was mesmarised by the music. He just noticed how close his face was to (yn)'s, and began blushing a little. You see, after Hideri has spent the whole week hanging out with (yn) and doing things with him, he's started to notice things about (yn) that he never has ever seen before. He also has recently been getting thoughts about (yn), these thoughts, Hideri has never experienced. He has never thought about someone the way he thought about (yn). Could he be in love???
     As Hideri was dancing with (yn), looking at (yn), thinking about (yn), he remembered all of those times that he was there for him. When Hideri was rejected for his first performance because he was too young to perform, (yn) was there for him. When Hideri tripped, fell and spilled food and beverages all over him, everyone asked if he was all right, but only (yn) gave him a hand and helped him get up. When Hideri made fun of the "old loli" and she flung him across the cafe, only (yn) asked if he was alright and helped him up. (Yn), (yn), (yn). It seems like Hideri finally noticed the feelings that he had for (yn). Those feelings were so deep and far away from the conscience that he didn't even know they existed, until now. I...I like (yn)? He...he likes me too. This I know. But he likes me for my looks. He doesn't know that I'm a boy. When I was introduced to everyone, he wasn't there because he was on cleaning duty. He only came in to say hi and that's it. Oh no. If I don't tell him now, he'll be devistated. It's better to end this "relationship" before it starts. Hideri thought.
     As the song was coming to an end, the two were sweating from all the movement, red, from alcohol and embarrassment, but mostly, they were in love. As the final note was sung by Michael, (yn) began spinning with Hideri, getting close to the wall. When the final note was played from the trumpet, (yn) wall locked Hideri. Face up close, (yn) finally released his pent up feelings, and told Hideri everything.
     "Kanzaki-San. I... I like you. No. I love you. From the first time I saw you, I had developed feelings for you. Everytime I would see you, my stomach would give birth to butterflies. I couldn't talk to you withought stammering because I was afraid I would say something that would offend you. I would turn red whenever I would be close to you. I... I want to be with you." He said, tear running down his eye. "I want to be with you, but I can't. You're an idol. You can't be with anyone. You're with everyone. You can't have relationships because you would be harassed by everyone, knowing that you're not free. I want to be with you, but I don't want to put you in any danger. I understand that you can't accept my feelings. I..I'm sorry. I'm drunk. The woman at the drink stand must have given me an alcoholic drink instead of apple juice. I'm sorry." Hideri, looking at (yn) as he was crying a little, started getting teary eyed himself. He looked (yn) straight into his eyes and said. "You only like me for my looks. Y...you know I'm a boy, right?" (Yn) looked back into Hideri's eyes, seeing the tears forming and decided to wipe them away, and said "I know."
     Those two words, those five letters, made Hideri cry. Not from sadness, but from happiness. "I like you too. (Yn). I don't care about the system. I don't care if I'm an idol and people will hurt me if I'm with you. I also want to be with you. Please don't leave me. Stay with me forever." Hideri said. "Call me Hideri. Please." Hideri said. "Hideri. Hideri. Hideri!" (Yn) Yelled and hugged the idol. Hideri hugged back, and then they both released their hug. Hideri grabbed hold of (yn)'s face, pulling it towards his, and kissed him. (Yn) kissed back, and hugged the idol, not believing a single thing that has happened this night. They finished the kiss, not knowing what to do next. "Thanks Amano Mui. You helped us a lot. We appreciate it." Hideri and (yn) said. "Darn how'd you guys know it was me?" She asked. "It's kind of obvious. Accidental alcohol in my drink, my favorite song? You've been listening to our conversation, haven't you?" (Yn) said. "Wow you've sobered up quickly. Well, bravo. I hope you're not going to hate me for hooking you two up, will you?" Amano Mui Said. "No we should thank you not hate you. Thank you for this magical night." Hideri said.

     (Yn) wakes up. "Oh god. Oh no. Could this have all been a dream?!!??!" He asked, frightened to death. He walks over to the Calendar and looks at it, seeing that he has a date with Hideri tomorrow. "Huh. Looks like it wasn't a dream. Thanks Mui-San. Thank you Manager for this week."


Various traps x male reader. One shots. No lemons.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon