BLOOD?  Some of it got on my jacket.


I suddenly passed out also and fell to the ground.

*Remember she cant stand blood* C x

All I saw was the Red haired boy yell Kouta!  Then this Pink haired girl ran over too me.  Then Sudden Darkness..

I opened my eyes and relized I was in the nurses office.

I looked over too see the Grey haired boy sleeping still.

The Nurse made eye contact with me and ran over faster than a Cheetah.

'How are you feeling?!' The Nurse smiled at me but then frowned.

'Im feeling goo-' she then cut me off

'Im sorry to say but you left the class room so you probably ended up in class F.'

SHIT!  I forgot about the test. 

I smiled, 'Is the boy alright over there..?' I asked quietly.

'He comes here almost every day, he'll be alright.'  The nurse then laughed and smiled then quickly ran off.

what am I supposed to do.. Get ready for the rest of the day?  Or sit here and rest?  

The nurse found her way back too my bed;

'Okay I guess Small was a little too small for your shirt size.. Since you have bigger boobs then most of the girls here at school.  No worries though I have an extra Medium shirt that we got donated.  As long as we can exchange your small shirt for this one.. is that Right?'  she smiled waiting for an answer.

'Its alright with me.. one of the buttons broke though.'  

'Its alright!  I know hoe to sow!' she smiled bigger than last time.

I smiled back at her.

Why the hell is she so happy..its creeping me out.

'Okay get up and Ill show you to the bathroom to change your shirt.'  She said as I got up.

I have a head ache fml.

We walked in the boy with greyish blue hairs direction.  I looked back at himas we walked by and he opened his eyes and we made eye contact.

I winked at him and turned around still following the nurse too the bathroom.

WHY DID I JUST WINk.  OMG OMG OMG I DIDNT EVEN MEAN TO.  IT WAS LIKE A FAILED BLINK.  He probably thinks im some creep now.. 

my cheeks turned bright read as the nurse handed me the shirt.

'Thanks..' I said quietly.

I opened the door;

it was a small room with a mirror, cabinet, sink, a trash can, and a toilet.   

I unbuttoned my shirt and changed into the medium.

It fits perfect..

I tucked the shirt under my skirt.

These skirts are really short..Then again I own shorter skirts than this.  

I buttoned up the shirt and put the tie back on.

I checked my hair in the mirror.  I looked fine.

I grabbed the small shirt and opened the door and noticed the Blueish-grey haired boy was gone.

I smiled and said 'It fits perfectly!  Thank you!' 

'I just got the word that you ARE in class F.' She replied as she took the shirt from me.

I nodded my head.

Of course another year being call stupid.

She handed me a tiny map of the school and told me to gather my things by my bed.

I put everything into my school bag and walked out of the room.

Everything was quiet and this is a HUGE school but I know I can find the class..

I walked past class A and heard a couple whispers.

I looked down at the tiles on the ground as I walked to F..

I passed B and C ..

I turned into this hall where D and E were.. 

I heard more whispers.. 

My cheeks lit up..

does my hair look fine?  Is my makeup smeared?!  

I looked at my reflection through one of the windows too a class room.

I looked perfectly fine.. Whats wrong with everyone..

As I walked past a group of boys one walked over too me;

'Ay.. you in class E..' He then smiled at me like he was looking at some toy he wanted.

I shook my head and kept walking past them.

What is peoples problem..

I wish I didnt come too this school..

I did get the option to stay home for a year..

Why did I come here.. 

frustrated at myself I then started to pick up the pace to class F.

I made it too the door and took a breath.

I placed my hand on the cold door handle.

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