XIX : Childish Antics

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You descended the stairs to the kitchen, taking a deep breath once you ended up on the first floor.

"Hey guys?" You loudly called out. "Is Haise-- Huh?" You stopped halfway through your question when you realized there was literally no one downstairs. "The fuck..?" You mumbled, eyeing the empty entrance, living room and kitchen suspiciously before making your way around the kitchen counter to walk to the fridge.

Once there, you pulled the door open and leaned forwards, searching through the shelves for something, anything, to eat or drink.

Behind you, someone cleared their throat, causing you to yelp out in surprise and attempt to stand back up straight, only to bump your head on the fridge and fall on your ass on the cold floor.

"Holy shit-- Sorry, I-I didn't mean to scare you, I just... Sorry!" You turned your head towards the sound of the voice, your gaze falling on a blushing and laughing Shirazu.

"What are you blushing about, stupid?" You exclaimed, getting back on your feet. Your question seemed to shut him up, causing his blush to worsen and spread down to his neck and collarbones. He averted your gaze, leaving you to figure it out on your own. "Are you that embarrassed about looking at my ass?" You asked. That was the first hypothesis that came to mind knowing him, and when Ginshi tensed up, you knew you were right.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"Of course you did. No problem though." You waved off, reopening the fridge to grab a box of apple juice before closing the door again and settling down at the counter. "Mind telling me where the gang is, though?"

"Ah, uh, they went out. Sassan said they weren't going to be back for a while." He exclaimed, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Hm, no one but us in the house?" You asked, smirking when you saw his cheeks redden again. Had his mind deep in the gutter today, hm? "Just the two of us, lovers, all alone in here..." You teased, absolutely loving the effect you had on him.

"W-what are you i-implying..?" Ginshi stuttered out, although he had a pretty good idea. Not that he didn't want to, he really did, but he was scared you might not like him afterwards... He wasn't experienced, after all.

"Hm, I don't know..." Sucking out the last of your apple juice (which got Shirazu even more flustered than he already was), you tossed it in the trash before making your way to the boy, brushing your fingers against his collarbone, pretending to be in deep thought. "I was thinking of a little 'game', are you okay with that?"

"Yes." Ginshi mentally scolded himself for answering so quickly and sounding so desperate, but you seemed to enjoy it, so it might not be so bad. "W-What're the rules..?"

You smirked up at him, slowly letting your hand travel down his chest. "The rules are that it can be anywhere in this house."

He audibly gulped at this. Oh god, how were you so hot? And anywhere ?

"I-I'm game." He muttered, watching as you stopped your hand on his abdomen.

"Really? Oh, good!" You cheered, before poking him in the belly. "Tag! You're it!"

With that, you jumped over the counter and ran away, giggling like a little bitch while Ginshi simply stood there, confused. Were you two not going to have sex..?

"You're it, Ginshi! Ya gotta tag me!" You called out from the second floor, causing Shirazu to snap out of his confused trance. Apparently, you're both playing tag and he wasn't going to let you win, especially after the stunt you just pulled on him.

"I'm fuckin' coming for ya!" He yelled out, climbing the stairs three-by-three, following the sound of your melodic laughter. This might be childish, but it was as fun as the next thing.

Stomping up to the second floor, he entered the gym, where you apparently were right now.

"Stuck, aren't ya?" Shirazu mocked, a threatening grin appearing on his face.

"Listen, man, I'm sorry for working you up like that." You said, backing away from him. "Can't we talk it out or something? I'll make a deal with you."

"Hm, nah, I think I'll just tag you." The blonde muttered, approaching you at an agonizingly slow pace.

"Ginshi, please." You begged. He wasn't listening.

You then glanced at the floor. It looked... slippery.

An idea popped in your head and it took all the willpower you had not to evilly smirk at your masterplan.

Backing further away until your heel touched the wall, you waited until Shirazu was at the desirable distance you needed before placing your foot on the wall, diving onto your stomach and pushing yourself between Ginshi's legs, sliding away from him like a penguin on ice.

"What the fuck?!" He exclaimed, turning around just in time to see you push yourself back to your feet and skedaddling out of there almost inhumanly fast.

"See ya, sucker!" You called out before taking a left and running away from him yet again.

This was going to be a fun game.

"I'm gonna tag you, bitch!" You exclaimed, raising your hand to emphasize your point as Shirazu shrieked, arching his back to attempt to stay away from your hand.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed, throwing himself down the stairs to avoid your hand. You let out a loud laugh once Ginshi collapsed on the floor, desperately trying to get up as you sprinted down the stairs. "Not today!" He laughed out, running away towards the living room, proud to have escaped you once again.

"Come back here you alligator looking ass!" You yelled out, trapping him on one side of the couch. Even if you had obviously won, Shirazu smirked.

"Can't get me unless you go around, ya know." He taunted. You glared at him, faking defeat. "Hah! I win!" He shouted, pointing at you.

You sighed, pouting. Ginshi simply let his guard down furthermore until he was fully assured that he had won the game.

"Yeah..." You started, glancing up at the boy who was proudly beaming at you. "I don't think so!" With that, you leapt over the couch, tackling the man down on the ground. "Tag, motherfucker! I win!" With that, you sat back on his stomach while Ginshi simply groaned and covered his eyes with his arm.

"What the fuck? You could've gotten hurt, jumping like that." He mumbled, causing you to cackle.

"Says the man who threw himself down the stairs to avoid getting tagged! You're such a hypocrite!" You said, slapping his shoulder.

"Shut up, I needed to get away from you, I was desperate back there!" He whined out.

"I never saw you so hellbent on avoiding me before." You said, pretending to be hurt. "I was kinda sad."

"I could say the same to you, ya know." He smirked, placing his hands on your waist. When you glanced down at them, he automatically retracted his hands. "Shit, I'm sorry, I... I should've asked--"

"It's okay, I don't mind." You sweetly said, grabbing his hands to place them back on your hips. "I really don't mind." You breathed out before leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on the man's lips.

Once you pulled away, Ginshi sighed in contentment, glancing at you with what you could only describe as a 'dreamy' look.

"I love you so much."

"So much?" You asked, smirking. "We've been together for not even a week! Our first date was technically a game of tag!"

"I'll repeat myself." He calmly said, the grip he had on your hips slightly tightening. "I love you so fucking much."

The next words you uttered out made the male you were sitting on groan in annoyance and tilt his head back, crying out 'I thought Urie went over that with you!'

Who knew two simple words could kill the mood so quickly? That two simple words could make someone so annoyed at the one he claims to love so?

What were those two words, you ask?

"Oh, wow."

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