Party with my Tears

Start from the beginning

~you both finishes as Bff/n looks at you in shock~

Bff/n: Wow my bitch is gonna get a guy tonight and i bet

•look at yourself, Taehyung may get into a fight with some boys because of you

~we laughed as we ordered an uber to drive us to the party~

~we arrived there as we saw some people outside and some inside having a party and the house was huge like a castle~

Bff/n: i already feel the heat of fun

•yeah me too

~we went to the door as Taehyung was already standing there~

Taehyung: oh you too are in, get in

~we went inside and Bff/n grabbed my hand~

Bff/n: come on let's dance


~we went on the dance floor and danced so much and enjoyed it~

~then we stopped for a moment and Taehyung approached us~

Taehyung: Bff/n

Bff/n: yes?

~he sticked out his hand to Bff/n~

Taehyung: will you accept to dance with me?

~Bff/n turned around to me then to Taehyung ,but then i pushed her into Taehyung~

•ohh she would love too!

Taehyung: alright then, see you Y/N


~then Taehyung took Bff/n as she turned around and gave me a sign of thanks and i nodded in answer~

~i got exhausted and went to sit on the couch~

~i sighed and sat for some minute as i got thirsty and went to the kitchen to grab a drink~

~i drank some water and then felt a hand sliding on my waste~

•excuse me, you better take you hands away-

~i turned around and saw Yoongi~


Yoongi: your so beautiful kitten

•i'm not kitten

~then a girl approached us and put her hand on Yoongi's shoulder~

Girl: there you are daddy! And who is this trash?

~i tuned to the girl with my left eyebrow up~

•excuse me?!

Yoongi: Jennie, i told you to not interrupt me while i'm talking with someone

Jennie: but daddy...

Yoongi: leave!

Jennie: why are you even spending time with a piece of thing?

~i couldn't hold myself ,but tried not to hit her~

~i pointed to the mirrior on the corner and looked at her~

•nothing, just your reflection

~her expression changed as the people around were yelling in joy at my sentence~

Jennie: bitch

•back at you~

~she left in defeated as i rolled my eyes~

Yoongi: wow, you know how to talk back my queen

~i felt him tightening his hand on my waist as i tried to backup ,but my back pushed the counter making me more nervous than ever~

•ohh umm,... i-

~his expression changed into a wild one that made me scared to look in his eyes~

~his hand slide down my hips and put his face near mine as i could feel his hot breath that it gaves me shivers all around my body~

~he tried to kiss me ,but i turn my head away~

~he looked at me in annoyance then let me go and he went outside the kitchen~

~i sighed in relief and drank some more water~

~why is my heart beating so fast when i talk or see him? I don't even have feelings for him~

~things get confused in my mind as i head to the bathroom~

~i was washing my hands as on the mirrior i spot my mother necklace on my neck~

~i opened the necklace and saw the picture of my mother in it that made my eyes teary~

•oh.. mom... i really need you! I wished you were here and i could tell you every single thing about myself and my feelings, when i talk to my father about you, his reaction goes blank which makes me more sad, i wished you were here with me, I love you and i miss you Mom..... Please come to me

~i felt my tears coming down and i became more sad~

~i couldn't stop my crying as i fell on the floor and kept crying so hard~

~then i heard a knock on the bathroom door~


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