Parent Trap (Part 2)

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Sunday, August 26, 2018

I am so determined to enjoy myself, whatever the cost, with Mama.

So she's not going alone in that goddamned meeting on her own.

We barely have 24 hours to do this and despite the physical exhaustion, my mind is so determined to do this. It was not hard convincing Mama that I go with her but as we're (light) packing, I sense that she's a bit worried about the meeting.

Ano nga naman ang kailangang kailangan pag-usapan today eh magkikita naman sila bukas?

We bought food take-outs and decided to eat in the chopper. I started to browse "things to do in Davao during a layover".

"Kadayawan pala dun ngayon," I muttered. "Baka may pagkain pa, haha." I looked at Mama but she has her eyes closed.

I felt like she also did not want us to do this but she has to. I sighed.

We landed at the tarmac and we were fetched by the PSG.

"Ma'am," a PSG greeted her as we rode the Grandia van.

"Sir, good afternoon. Happy Fiesta," she said as cheerfully as she can.

The PSG smiled. "Thank you ma'am. Tapos na ho, sayang ngayon lang kayo nagpunta."

Di naman talaga kami dapat pupunta, I thought in my head.

We were led to the President's house, I heard. I was expecting a ton of security but it seemed like an ordinary day like no one was expecting someone. When we arrived at the gate of his unassuming house, we're not sure if will ring the doorbell.

Mama and I looked at each other.

I rang the doorbell.

After a few seconds, I heard scrambling from the other side. I noticed that the PSG just usually assumed their place like there's nothing. After a few minutes, the door opened and a young face popped out.

It was the young daughter.

She blinked at us.

"Good afternoon," Mama said and smiled at her.

She blinked at us again.

And then, she closed the gate.


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