"Um,Hi. How can I help you?" She said sitting back down

"I need my car looked at. It's making some weird noise." The guy said looking in his wallet. He looked up at her.

"You that 10th grader at O.T. Huh? You run track huh?" He said

She nodded and blushed. Not many people remembered her, she ran and then she went back to her quiet self.

"Your name is something exotic. Ion remember, it's like Taranji,Tahani something like that." He said

"Taraji." She corrected

"Yeah,that's it. My partna's little sister run with you. That's why I remember you. You pretty good. Her name is Angela." He said

"I know Angela, she runs relay with me. But um, you can fill this out so we can take care of your car." She said trying to change the subject

"Uh, Thank you. My name Jeron (Jah-Ron)." He said putting his hand out

She reluctantly shook it, and then continued to fix the papers on her desk.

He filled out the forms and then watched her as she looked over the forms.

"You got some nice eyes, how old are you?" He asked

"16, I turn 17 in September." She told him

"My birthday is in September too, it's the 22nd. Imma be 19 tho." He said

She actually didn't care about any of his personal information. She just wanted to put him down for a tune up. None of this extra conversation was needed.

"You got a boyfriend?" He asked


"You wanna go out one night?" He asked

"I'm not old enough to date yet. No thank you. We'll be looking at your car within the next 25 minutes." She said trying to dismiss him

"Oh, well that's my number right there. So you can call me. I don't wanna overstep. I just think you real beautiful. My car is the white Mercedes in front. I'll pay for everything hat needs be done after it's done. Just call that number right there." He said

He walked out and left his car keys.

He was cute yes, but he seemed to be kinda thuggish. That wasn't her type.

She rung into the main garage. The intercom system came in handy.

"You got a tune up on a Mercedes waiting. He said give her the works." She spoke to her dad

"He said okay." Isaiah answered

She went back to her inputting data.

All the earnings and expenses for the month. Appointments,she did this until another customer came in.

She helped the lady and waited for her dad to give her further instructions.

Two hours later, she had the whole office reorganized to her liking. She could be such a neat freak sometimes.

"Babygirl?" She heard over the speaker

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