Chapter 9

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The world as we know it is coming to an end. School has arrived in California, (It actually did weeks ago but that's not the point) and it will murder all the people who are forced to go. Our prayers are with the victims of this horrible outrage. Good luck to you all.

I have been chatting with Y/D/N for a few minutes before Merlin asked us to line up. To give those 'end of meeting speech' and then would probably give us a break to let us get to know our dogs, then an assignment.

---------------------------------------------------- Timeskip cause I'm lazy. Plus dis now Eggsy's POV

I picked the bulldog and named him JB, short for James Bauer(?). "A poodle?" I snickered at Roxy. Why the heck would she pick a poodle. They're show dogs for rich people innit?

Roxy looked slightly shocked, "What? They're gun dogs. Oldest working breed. Easy to train." She said proudly.

"A pug?" Y/N said hugging my waist and peeking from behind me. At the same time scarying the shit outta me.

I jumped in surprise, turned quickly around, and asked, "Where the heck did you come from?!?!" She smirked at me probably because my face was all red from her hugging me and scaring me.

Though she does give good hugs. Ah! Stop that Eggsy! She only thinks of you as a friend! "I came from behind you," she said smartly. "Back to my last question, why you pick the pug. I mean it is cute but why?"

I looked at her in confusion, "It's a bulldog innit?" She looked at me like 'really' "It'll get bigger, though won't it?" I tried to convince myself even though their trying their best not to laugh. "Shit." I cursed then they couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out laughing to the point their on the grass crying of laughter. Even I chuckled a bit while watching Y/N on the grass with an adoorable grin.

Hey guys! Did you guys survive school so far. Cause I didn't. Here is basically what school is:

S: Seven
C: Crappy
H: Hours
O: Of
O: Our
L: Lives

Anyways I wish you guys good luck and thank you for reading this chapter.

Stay pawesome!

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