Beggining Pt. 1

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A whole month of this Deku felt Unwanted and Weak. He didn't attend school for some time and asked all might if he could return one for all.
Of course, all might declined.
Moving into dorms. A few weeks Later. Izuku Went missing. All might petrified . Midoriya Ran away to Find a fit place for him. He stood in a garbage Dump where he met the Person who offered him a Life. All for one. " Hello Young one. " he spoke. " A little sad right? I can fix that. Did someone Destroy your life? "
All for one reached out. Deku knew it was wrong but he was right. He reached out cautiously and grabbed his hand. All for one chuckled. " Good choice. "

" Follow me. " Midoriya Nodded and followed All for one to a Abandonded Bar,
"When they entered the bar . They were greeted with bows. " Greetings " said a Purple misty guy . " That is Toga, Tomoura , Thats Kurogiri, Dabi, Twice , And Mustard. (Sorry if I forgot anyone. ) Everyone, Midoriya here will join us. "
" Really? " said toga, she said as she went up to Midoriya with a knife. " I think he'd look cuter if he was bleeding !" She exclaimed as she held a knife up to midoriya's neck. " knock it off Toga." Said Tomoura.

" so young one. What is your Quirk? " asked All for one.
" o-on-One F-or A-All.... "
Everyone gasped at words.
" All mights quirk eh, so your his successor. That's no good. That quirk is decent but I'll give you a much better one. " said all for one.
izuku looked at him "R-really? " all for one pat his head. " yes. "
All for one Put his hand on his head " this May hurt. "
" oh okay. " Midoriya replied. Midoriya started to feel faint and would pass out. "Take him to the empty bedroom. " yessir! " said Toga and twice. They carried him into a Empty bedroom.

15 Minutes Later.

Midoriya woke up to a small head ache to be in a bed. He walked down the hall ways into the bar. " oh your awake. " said Tomoura. " Boss gave you a Magic quirk. Basically you have magic and your free to use it when ever. Your training starts tomarrow. "
' Magic Huh... ' Izuku thought to himself.

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