Chapter 1

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"Hello beautiful people of the internet, I'm Sarai Munro", I said happily to my camera, "and today I am going to be filming a q and a"!

I am a scottish youtuber with 1 million subscribers, I am 16 and have been on youtube for 4 years! I filmed the video for about 15 minutes to make sure I answered as many questions as I could and at the end I revealed that I was going to be releasing a song. See I am a youtuber but I also sing so because I reached 1 million subscribers I wanted to release a song for them! And I was also going to be revealing the song in a weeks time at the garage to anyone that came along. I am so excited to meet the other great acts that were performing, Nicky McDonald, who was the headline act, rewind and Murdo Mitchell, who I have never heard sing a full song, but heard him a little when he is out busking when I was in Glasgow passing TGIFridays. It will be good to be able to hear him sing a full set of songs. I turned off my camera and immediately got to editing the video. I was so excited but also nervous at the same time, I didn't know how my subscribers would like this different type of project. After about an hour of editing I uploaded the video, it took almost an hour to upload but it was so worth it because everyone loved the news and people were already starting to buy tickets for the garage to see me! I can already tell that it will be an amazing night...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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