chapter 2

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A/N: So here is chapter 2. It was originally longer, but i decided to spilt it up so there will be an extra chapter!

As the van neared their hotel, his nerves reached a new high. Bouncing his right leg, he was only vaguely aware of Niall saying he was going to the Nandos he just seen later to eat, asking who would join him. Harry of course happily agreed, but Zayn and Liam declined. Zayn wanted to catch some sleep and Liam said something about calling Danielle. “Lou?” Looking up his eyes met with expecting blue ones. There was no way he could deny those, so he nodded in agreement and tried to smile. The frown on Niall's face however told him he failed miserably. Which immediately lead to a worried look from Harry as Zayn narrowed his eyes for his spot besides Niall. Swallowing he looked at Liam for support. The younger smiled and nodded encouraging. It made him glad he had his friend support, since he right now he really needed it. Clearing his throat he tried to get ride of the lump that had formed there. As he collected all his courage “I need to talk to you” he told Harry and Niall, avoiding eye contact.

 “Something wrong Boo Bear?” Harry asked, frown on his forehead.

 Nervously he rubbed his hands over his jeans clad thighs. “Just... I need to tell you something.” His voice was unsteady, but it still made it clear he wouldn't say more right now. Harry nodded and leaned back in his seat, his frown still intact. His heart clenched, he hated seeing him so worried like this. Grabbing his boyfriend's hand he squeezed it, trying to reassure him. Well aware that it wouldn't help since he couldn't even reassure himself, let alone Harry, but he still needed to try.

 Biting the inside of his cheek he turned to look at Niall. The blond was looking down at his lap as both hands were holding on to Zayn's arm. You might think it would make him feel jealous, but it didn't, nor did it ever. From the start his Irish lover and Zayn had been like brothers, with Zayn being the protective older one. Even now the brown eyes seem to say 'Hurt him and you're dead'. Something he knew was true. Well he might not be dead, he'd sure as hell pay. Yet he knew it was never and nor would it ever be more than brotherly love between Zayn and Niall.

 Suddenly the van stopped and he realized they were there. He glanced outside and was glad to see that for once the hotel they been staying at hadn't been leaked all over the internet, since there was only a group of 4 girls and a boy waiting for them. As they got out he smiled, signed autographs and took pictures with them as the others made small talk. He did his best to act as normal as possible and thought it was working until one of them asked why he was so quiet. Not wanted to show that he was disappointed that he once again failed to act like he was ok, he smiled. Telling her he felt a bit off and probably needed some sleep. Lucky the girl bought it and smiled back saying she hoped he felt better soon. Thanking her he signed another poster before walking into the hotel, the others close behind him. They checked in and found out that him and Harry and Liam and Zayn would sharing a room, while Niall had one for himself with a double bed. Which meant Harry and him would join Niall and Zayn or Liam would take theirs. A perfect solution since they could be together without notices, all three rooms would be used and slept in and Zayn and Liam had some privacy too.

 As they walked to the elevators he suddenly started to sweat, dreading being in such a small room with the other four. Normally it was no problem, but not now when he was so nerves, restless and anxious as he was now. “I'm taking stairs” he exclaimed turning on his heels and walked the other way.

 “Me too” Liam said. Looking back at him surprised, he saw the younger smile at him. They ignoring the weird look the others gave them. “Everything will be fine” Liam told him as they started to climb the stairs to the fourth floor.

 He nodded, but didn't really believe it. So instead he asked a question, he had been wondering about every since they talked back in the venue. “Did you ever have such a talk with Danielle?”

 Liam nodded. “When we first started touring and being away from home so much. I got scared she would meet someone else. Someone better.” He laughed. “You would think it would be the other way around, that she was the one with that fear, but no I was terrified she would meet a guy who was there for her, while I was away on tour.”

 Slightly shocked he looked at the younger. He never knew his band-mate dealt with that fear. He always thought of Liam and Danielle as like the most perfect couple. So it was hard to imagine they would have any troubles at all.

 “So don't worry Lou, you are not the only one with fears. It's only human to have them, just like other insecurities.” He threw an arm over his shoulders. “Congrats Louis Tomlinson, you are indeed human” he grinned. Rolling his eyes Louis elbowed him, Liam laughed, but did let go of him as he pushed open the door to the fourth floor.

 It wasn't a surprise to see the others there waiting for them. His lovers in front of the door that he guessed was officially Niall's room and Zayn was standing in the door opening of 'his and Harry's' room. The Bradford boy send him a quick warning glare before disappearing in the room, but he acted like he didn't see it. Stopping in front of his own door Liam put a hand on my shoulder, silently wishing me good luck. Giving him one last smile he also went into his room.

 As he watched the door close he suddenly didn't feel so confident anymore. Like Liam had taken his found strength with him. Still he knew he had to do this, so he walked over to the other two, to his boyfriend. He grabbed their hands pulled them into the room that Niall had already opened. Harry being the one that kicked it shut behind them. Tension filled the room as he let go of their hands and stood across from them. Desperately trying to find the right words he needed to say what he needed to say.

 But it was Niall who spoke first. “Are you breaking up with us?”

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