Strange+ Chapter One

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Chapter one-- Life isn't what it seems

People sometimes don't realize what's coming. 


"Sandrine!" My mothers voice called from inside. I was picking some tomatoes from the garden, for us to prepare for lunch. 

My sister, Iona was picking Onions, I looked at her and smiled. Her clothes fitted perfectly on her, she wore a white dress. It was what everyday women around here wore, if you were wealthily it was usually filled with color and bracelets. My sisters age was fourteen but she took the look of sixteen year old. She looked like my father, she had dark hair and brown eyes. Her skin was olive and she was blessed with exotic skin. Her hair was curly like mine but that was the only thing that were alike. She was the total opposite of me, I looked like a foreigner in my family. I took after my mothers side, where I get my blonde and green or even hazel eyes. My eyes change so very often, sometimes they are blue and sometimes green. I guess that's a special trait I have received from the gods.

I have two other siblings, there names are Esopo and Galen, but we call him Gale. My brother, Esopo was currently fighting for his life in the war of Zotikos. He was taken by the village because they needed men for the army, and Gale was fortune enough not to be picked. Esopo is twenty-one year old and takes after my fathers side. He has hair like my sister and eyes that are identical. His skin is blessed with what everyone wishes for, he's very good looking if you ask. 

Gale takes after my mothers side. He has dirty blonde hair that lightens up in the skin. He has blue eyes, and skin like my brother. He had curly hair, that bunched up in his short hair. My other brother was opposite, he liked his long and his hair was wavy. He didn't get the trait of what Iona, Gale and me had. 

My mother, she was beautiful. I think she is most beautiful lady in the lands. She had blonde hair like mine and olive skin that made her stand out. Her eyes were a mixture of blue and green. Her hair was long and flowed delicately. We all took the trait of my mother hair, we all had the similar course and thick. Her name is Xandra, I have thought for year it was Sandra, but recently found out I have been calling my mom the wrong name. It was quite embarrassing when I was took the truth. 

Now to my father, I knew why my father fell in love with my mom. She stunning and he was honored to marry a lady like her. But she was in no boat either, Mommy had a handsome Husband, that was father. He had dark hair, and straight as can be. He had strong feature in the face, he was very dark. Whenever he is exposed to light, within hours he is dark. I wish I could be like him, but I only take the Olive skin and I only get so dark. My dad had dark eyes, where my sister and my brother Esopo had received. My daddy name is, Karter which I thought was an odd name. Our names where so beautiful and then we have such an odd name. Don't get wrong, but I love my daddies name. It's just doesn't fit in our family.. 

You see we did not age very quickly. I did not know my mothers real age, but I have read stories that said we stop aging at 20. I didn't understand what mean't but then it said if we are blessed we will live forever. If not, one day you will die but you live longer then what you expect. It gave a spooky message, I hope mother and father live long. I do really hope…

"Are you two almost done?" My mothers voice broke my thoughts. I looked down at the basket that was filled with tomatoes I had picked. I looked at Iona to see if she was ready. 

"Are you finished, my sister?" I looked her for an answer. She looked down like I had, and counted to the Onions. 

"How many did we need?" Her sweet, velvet voice responded. 

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