chapter 1 by princessdeath05

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Dan's POV

I sighed as I walked into my room and flung my bag onto my bed. I have had yet another horrid day at college. I was pushed around and teased like I am every single day. And you know what no one even cares. Oh I almost forgot. My name is Dan, I have no friends because I announced that I was gay when I was fourteen. My grades are good and all. But I wouldn't mind having someone that I could have a laugh with.

So instead of attempting homework I log into Facebook to see all of the wonderful hate mail I get from people, who used to be friends with me. All I can is sit there and let it all sink into my brain.

Then, just as I was about to start crying with frustrated tears. I get a message from my favourite You tuber Amazingphil. I like his videos and i normally check every day for new ones. Its not like I’m a stalker or anything. I just like the guy.

From Amazingphil

Hi Danisnotonfire I really like your videos and have noticed that you have commented on a few of mine. Maybe we can start to talk and get to know each other? 

From Danisnotonfire

Hi Amazingphil, I would love to get to know you but what do you want to know about me?

From Amazingphil

Well I’m Phil. I'm 19 year olds and I live in south Manchester. What about you?

From Danisnotonfire

I'm Dan. I'm 16 years old and I live in West Manchester.

We messaged each other for about two hours before I got a message that I didn't really want to answer. Mainly because I was scared.

From Amazingphil

Do you have Skype? I really would love to talk to you face to face if that's ok. I have two of my friends around named Chris and PJ if that's ok.

How am meant to reply to that. I wanted to but normally when people meet me they never want to speak to me ever again. And what if he didn't like me? So without thinking i sent him a message back.

From Danisnotonfire

O.K sure. Just type Danisnotonfire into it and you should find me.

Within minutes of me sending that, He was calling me on Skype. So I accepted the call.

"Hi Dan" He said and waved

"Hi" I said back and kind of waved.

"This is Chris and PJ" He smiled and pointed to who was who.

"Hi" I said to them

"Hi Dan" They said at the same time. Which was kind of creepy.

"So how's life?" Phil asked

"Annoying you?" I replied without thinking

"Amazing and awww why is it annoying Dan?" He asked sounding concerned.

"You're mental" I laughed

"We know and me and PJ have to go. Bye" Chris shouted as they both left.

"Don't think that you're getting out of the question that easily. What do you mean by annoying?" He frowned at me.

Just as i was about to reply my Dad walked in with my Mum. Great. They don't care about me anymore all because i told them that i was gay.

"Daniel, What do you think you are doing?" She asked and glared at me.

"Don't bloody call me that and why do you care? You haven't cared in years!" I said sounding annoyed. Mum just walked out as Dad growled at me. Great, i bet Phil is having a field day.

"How dare you talk to your mother like that. You worthless piece of shit" He spat and grabbed my shirt and shook me. "you shouldn't even be here let alone a live" He shouted as he slapped me. Not noticing Phil on my computer screen. He eventually left my room and i turned back to Phil, Who had his mouth hanging open. I was shaking with fear while trying to hold back tears.

"Dan are you ok?" He asked

"Yeah... I'm fine" I said trying not to let my voice shake

"You don't look it" He sighed

"Honestly, I’m fine. But I need to go" I said in a rush

"Ok. But be on tomorrow. I want to talk about what just happened" he said while sounding concerned.

"Ok. I will" I sighed and ended the call. I then went into my bath to inspect the damage to redden cheek. I sighed and released that I shouldn’t have to put up with this. It’s not my fault that I’m gay. It just happened.

I noticed my little silver friend sitting on a shelf. I pick him up and glided him across my wrist until I felt the satisfaction that I wanted. I know that I am cutting. And I know that you shouldn't do it but it is the only way I can let out my anger and frustration. I eventually walked but into my room and checked my Facebook. Only to see that I had even more hate on it. I ended up punching the wall with anger hoping that it would calm me down. It didn't. So i just curled up in my bed and fell asleep.

look after you (phan/amazingphil and danisnotonfire)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant