maybe glowing isnt all that bad

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It didn't take long for Danny to catch up to the cop cars which were now pulled over adjacent to the side walk of a bank. Captain Devin, who was the sheriff of the APPD'Amity park police department', was currently shouting directions to the scrambling officers. Danny landed behind the man.

"Even's get your but over to the station and pick up some more ammo and for Pete sake someone find me Danny Phant..."

"What's going on?" Danny asked ultimately cutting off the captain. Danny knew this wasn't a ghost incident due to the fact his ghost sense didn't go off, so he figured that this whole set up was an effect of a robbery that was still in suit. Though it never hurt to ask anyway.

"Holy #^$&# Phantom!" the captain exclaimed with a jump before leaning against a police cruiser while gripping his chest. "Could you stop doing that! I swear one of these days I'm going to drop dead from a heart attack and it's not going to be because of my love for fast food!" The man exclaimed with a few more pants before looking up at Danny. "And what the hell are you wearing?"

Danny just responded with a sleepy and confused expression.

"It's a Christmas sweater; I was just trying to spread the joy. You know tis the season and all that junk." Danny slurred sleepily which made the captain raise his eyebrows in concern.

"Son are you alright?"

Danny's eye sight started to get wacky. ' W-why are there 6 of Cap'en Devin?' Danny thought with confusion, a killer migraine made his mind too cloudy to come up with answer to his question. He felt like he was on a tilt-a-whirl and the world wouldn't stop spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning….

The captain watched in horror as Amity's young hero began to sway back and forth slightly before crumpling to the ground. The middle aged man managed to catch Danny before he fell completely.

"Danny! Danny! Son you've got to wake up! Danny!" the captain yelled as he sat on the ground and shifted Danny so his upper torso was supported on the good captain's cross-legged knees. The captain called Danny's name a few more times while slapping the boy's face gently. Danny whined slightly before opening his eyes to the point that they were only slits.

" M-my H-h-he-ad hu-rts." Danny slurred tiredly and glanced at the worried captain with an annoyed glare " Lea-ve m-e a lone… I'sss sle-ep'en" Danny proclaimed groggily as he tried to push the captain away from him, but his hand only contacted the air.

The robbers took the distraction to their advantage and sped off with the cash and stolen items, but none of the other officers or bystanders cared. They were all worried about the current slightly delusional Danny phantom that was in front of them.

"Someone call the Fenton's and get me some Ice packs too! The boys burning up!" the captain barked before looking back down at Danny who was starting to slip back into sleep once again. The captain called his name and slapped his face once more. Danny constricted his face in pain and tried to squirm away, but the old captain held him still.

"It's alright Danny" he said softly "We are getting you help, you'll feel better soon."


Jack and Maddie arrived just in the nick of time. Jack climbed out and helped Captain Devin carefully lift the boy into the G.A.V as Maddie set up the portable examination table and made it more comfortable for the sick ghost boy that would soon be laying there.

"Madd's he wasn't kidding, Phantom really is running a bad fever" Jack bellowed as he and the captain set the boy on the examination table. Maddie quickly dug threw a nearby cabinet for a few moments before pulling out a thermometer. She uncapped the small device and stuck it in phantoms mouth. After a few seconds the small device Beeped and she removed it from the young specters mouth. Maddie gasped

"What's wrong?" One of the citizens that was watching from the open doors of the back of the G.A.V. asked.

"He has a fever of a hundred and two, someone go get some more ice packs please!" Maddie commanded to the gathered crowd.

"How Many?" one of the citizens asked.

"Twenty packs at minimum." Maddie replied while she began to pull off Phantoms shoes and gloves as a few of the crowd members disappeared into the nasty burger to wrangle up some ice packs. Maddie looked up at Jack and Captain Devin.

"Don't just stand there! help me get his clothes off!" Maddie yelled. Jack and Devin just stared at Maddie in shock. "Now!" She yelled again. This time the two men moved and began to help her gently remove Phantoms Christmas sweater and jumpsuit. Maddie was beyond worried 'phantoms temp is normally at 97.6 degrees. If I don't get it down it's possible that his form could start to Destabilize' Maddie thought in worry. She knew she had to get the young ghosts body temp down and the only way she could think to do that was to strip the boy and cover him in Ice packs. Jack removed Danny's sweater only to stop and let loose a laugh and Maddie gasped in relief. Devin just looked at the two ghost hunters with confusion before walking around too their side of the table. He noticed that there was a large diamond shape spot in the middle of the young ghost's chest. Maddie pushed past the confused captain and retrieved a needle from the cabinet. She then walked back and stuck Phantom with it and drew ectoplasm.

"Ok what in the world is going on? One minute you two are panicking and acting like phantom's going to fall apart and the next you see some glowy spot and now everything's ok?"

"Well now that we understand what's going on, yes it's ok. He's just going through Incandescence." Maddie said as she pulled the needle back out of Phantom's arm and quickly examined the emerald fluid within it before disappearing to the front of the RV.

"Does that mean you guys don't need these?"

Jack turned around to find a few bystanders standing outside the vehicle with bags of ice in their hands.

"No we definitely still need those, will you guys help me put them on Phantom. We still need to get his temp down." Jack replied.

With the help of a few bystanders, Danny was soon covered in ice packs from head to toe, with nothing more than boxers on. The young boy whined in protest at the sudden coldness and tried to knock the bags off, but jack quickly stopped him and strapped his hands and ankles into some ghost proof restraints.

"Um… so what's the Incandescence thing Maddie was talking about?" Devin asked. He was still really did not understand what was going on. Jack looked up at the captain and then at the crowed that had gathered around the G.A.V. And smiled.

"Don't worry It's nothing bad….He's just going to go through some changes." Jack explained with enthusiasm.


"Well I guess the easiest was too put it is that Incandescence is a ghosts version of puberty."


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