Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (1 of ?)

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Felicity's POV:

"This place is such a disaster," Harry sighed, looking around the tiny apartment we had. "We can't leave it a mess."

"Well there's just about an hour until we need to leave, so we'll get it cleaned before then," I smiled, zipping up my duffle bag.

Today we were leaving for our trip to Vegas. It took some time to plan around everyone's schedules, but eventually we all found a week that worked for us. I was so excited to see everyone again, and the fact that Liam had been counting down the days until we arrived was making me even more antsy to get there.

We all bought plane tickets so that we'd land in Vegas just about the same time. Louis was dying to turn it into a road trip in which we picked up everyone on the way, but that was just a disaster waiting to happen. For one, we'd probably have to rent an RV to carry all of us, and I do not trust him to drive that thing across the country. Second, if it went any way like the winter road trip Harry and I made, which I had a feeling it would because Louis can get off course very easily, we'd never make it to Vegas before the end of summer.

Harry walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his chin at my neck, "Are you excited?"

"What kind of question is that?" I laughed, turning my head to look at him. "Of course I am."

"Just making sure."

I shook my head, lightly laughing as some of his curls tickled my neck, "C'mon, let's clean up here so we can leave."

He reluctantly let go of me and started picking up the clothes he had thrown on the floor earlier. It didn't take us very long to clean the place up and be completely ready to go. I was listening to Harry hum along to the music we had playing on the stereo, occasionally giggling to myself as he'd mess up the tune and become slightly embarrassed. Sometimes he would look over at me to see if I had witnessed his mistake.

I was waiting for Sierra to give me a call and let me know that they were on their way to the airport, just so I could be sure that they'd meet us there on time. We would've taken a cab together, but Louis' new girlfriend, Eleanor, was joining us on the trip. Therefore, we wouldn't all fit in one taxi. Eleanor was great and such a sweetheart, and I was pretty excited when Louis said he wanted to bring her on the trip. Although, I think one of his reasons was so that Sierra and I weren't the only girls on a trip with seven guys.

Three girls and seven guys wasn't much of a difference, but it didn't matter to me. I knew I could count on Eleanor to want to go shopping and hang out at the pool while everyone else drinks until they blackout.

"Hello?" I heard Harry's voice from across the room. He had my phone pressed to his ear as he looked over at me. I could tell just by that amused smile on his face that he was talking with Sierra. "Yeah yeah, relax your boobies. We'll see you there soon."

He hung up the phone and tossed it inside my purse. I walked over and grabbed my luggage as he did the same for his. The two of us locked everything up and headed down to the street to hail a cab.

The ride to the airport was long and hot since, for some odd reason, the driver decided that the air conditioning wasn't necessary in the New York summer heat. Harry kept pestering me about games on his phone, while I received four hundred texts from Liam about how excited he was to see us.

After checking in our luggage and getting through the ridiculously long security line, we met up with Sierra, Louis, and Eleanor at our gate. The three of them were sitting in the back corner of the waiting area, taking over all the chairs surrounding them.

"Felicity!" Sierra shouted as she saw us walking towards them. Her hair was in this gigantic knot at the top of her head, and for once, she had absolutely zero makeup on. "Bitch, we're going to Vegas!"

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