Betty gets capurted - Chapter Five

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I always knew being in the serpents would bring trouble for me and Betty but I never thought she would keep anything from me, I could tell she was hiding something she had been gone for quite a while. I prepared a meal for when she got back maybe if I wined and dined her she would tell me what's troubling her.
I waited for over three hours she didn't call or text me at all, that is pretty weird.


I had tried to outsmart penny but she is crazy, I just wanted to see jug, he always makes me feel safe and right now I don't.

"Just let me go, I'll keep my mouth shut" I told her as she paced across the room

"No, sweetie I'm going to have a little fun. Let's see if jughead will come and save you, his queen serpent" she said making me feel even more scared, scared that I would never see juggy again.

"Please, don't hurt jug" I said pleading for him to be safe

"Don't hurt jug, she said" penny copied me while laughing with her gang behind her.

"LET ME GO!!" I screamed hoping someone would hear me, I know if she tells jug she has me he will come running but I didn't want him to cause it's not safe.


I sent Betty a couple more texts hoping she would answer at least one of them, if not all

To Betty :
Where are you ? Xxx

I got no reply to the first so I sent another.

To Betty :
Hey babe answer me, I'm really worried about you Xxxx

Then something happened that I didn't expect, I got a text but not one I was expecting or wanted.

From Betty :
I've got your girlfriend here, she's got a good pair of lungs on her, she's been screaming a lot. You have ten minutes to find and save her or I will be having so much fun cutting her to pieces

Penny p x

I called my father and gathered the rest of the serpents but I wanted to take penny on myself but part of me knew she would have back up so I gathered the gang.

"What's the are the northsider's doing here ?" Sweet pea asked

"Look I don't have time for your crap, we need to stick together" I said getting right in his face.

"How can we help jughead ?" Veronica asked standing next to the boy she used to love

"We need to find her phone, penny has her. Who knows what she's been doing to her" I said really worried that she may be hurt or worse.

Hope you enjoy
Comment what you think might happen next and share, I'm completely obsessed with riverdale so I won't be updating anymore stories for a while


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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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