Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

He taps me on the nose and smiles. Is he inferring that I'm the other swallow?

"Wow that sounds lame when it comes out of my mouth. Like I said, I've never shared that with anyone before. I just kept it to myself, it all makes sense up in my head. I'm sorry, I sound ridiculous right now."

"There's nothing ridiculous about it. That's the most thought out and genuine tattoo meaning I've ever heard. I love it Harry, thank you for sharing that with me. It taught me a lot about you, even if it makes me a little sad."

"Why are you sad Darling?"

"It sounds like you wrestle with some painful feelings. That's a heavy burden to carry alone. I hate that you've ever felt that way."

"I don't feel like I'm doing it alone anymore. When I made the decision to get both birds inked on my skin, it wasn't to keep the look symmetrical. My intention was to stay hopeful I'd find the one person I could always be my true self with. And I feel that way right now."

"That's beautiful Baby. Do you really feel that way with me?"


He laces our fingers and kisses the back of my hand.

"How do you manage to stay so true to yourself? So many celebrities become arrogant and jaded, you're the furthest thing from that. You've stayed optimistic, I think that's beautiful. I hope you know how brave you are, no one can stop you from having all of these wonderful things."

"I have to give most of the credit to my mum. She's always taught me the value of being humble and kind. Other than that, I just do what feels right. Acting like an entitled ass doesn't feel good, anyone who's like that isn't really happy with their life."

"Your mom sounds like an amazingwoman."

"She's the best."

I give him a chaste kiss on the lips.

"It's important to me that you know I'll stand by you no matter what. I don't want you to feel alone or afraid ever again."

He sniffles through the tears streaming down his cheeks. I wiggle out of his clutch and lift his chin; he's looking directly at me with his beautiful green eyes.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok Baby. We've got each other now. What we have is something most people spend a lifetime trying to find. You and I, we're a team and I have absolute faith in us."

Without faltering, his gaze lingers, and his eyes begin to smile once more.

"I'm not sad or scared anymore Angel, these are happy tears. You're the most amazing woman I've ever met. Thank you, I love you so much."

I wipe a tear from under his eye and sweetly press my lips on every place the tears had been.

"There's no need to thank me. Supporting the one you love should be effortless. And I'm absolutely in love with you."

"Tell me about your family Will. You haven't talked about anyone but the girls and Sam."

My heart sinks, I've known this conversation was coming, but talking about my past is painful. It's easier to avoid the topic rather than open old wounds. Regardless, he shared some very personal things with me, and I intend on doing the same.

"There's not much to tell. I don't know my dad or if he even knows I exist. My mom refused to discuss him, that subject was off limits. Every time I asked questions she'd start hysterically crying, so I just stopped asking. I have no idea what he did to make her feel that way. I get sick thinking about it, because whatever the case, it couldn't have been good. But my mom and I were always really close."

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