
The morning sky was laced with pinks and oranges from the sun on the hazy horizon. (Y/n) had never seen the sky like this before. Flying, really flying, was something man had longed to do; and now she truly did.

She turned her head to face the shinigami.

"Thank you, Ryuk."

His face heated. He had just wanted her to have something to look back to after she died...

What did you do before you died, Ryuk? Do you remember?

Before I...died?

His grip on the girl slipped as the shock of his thoughts overtook him. (Y/n) screamed as she plummeted towards the earth below. Ryuk cursed and dropped to catch her. What the heck was he thinking? His bracelet chinked as he swooped and grabbed (Y/n)'s waist. He lightly placed them in a near forest, away from other human eyes. (Y/n) sobbed into his shoulder as he sat them against a sturdy, shady tree.

"I apologize, (Y/n). I didn't mean for that to happen. I..." Ryuk trailed off, thinking once more of his sudden thoughts.

But, really, what did you mean 'before I died'?

Well, you had to come from somewhere, didn't you?

Yes, but how...?

Footsteps could be heard trailing into the woods. Ryuk's face paled even more than it already was to begin with. If (Y/n) was to be discovered leaning on an invisible object... He peeled her off of him and set her in his place against the tree. She sniffled an objection but he softly shushed her. A boy about her age jogged into view, looking surprised at the sight of the girl crying.

"(Y/n)?" he asked concerned, running towards her crumpled frame.

Wait, he knows her?

The girl, shocked, snapped her head up to see the boy.

"Brandon? What are you doing here?"

Brandon crouched down next to her, sitting right in front of Ryuk.

"I went for a jog in the forest today. It was just an urge, I guess. I saw you alone and...dear lord what's wrong?"

(Y/n) sniffled a little and glanced at Ryuk. He really did feel bad for what happened. It wasn't like he dropped her on purpose. I need to get a hold of myself more. I may not be human, but these thoughts seem strangely humane. "I really am sorry, kid," he apologized. Brandon put a hand on her knee. "Hey, you can talk to me, you know? We actors have to sick together. Plus it's kinda convenient that Romeo would find Juliet crying alone in a forest." Romeo? She smiled at his comment and wiped her tears off her cheeks. "It's nothing, Brandon. I just fell and...well this whole situation is getting me down a little." He seemed to understand what she was talking about as he elaborated, "Yeah, I know how you feel. This director's getting on my nerves. What he wants us to do...I mean, hey, I like you and all, I really do, but if you have a boyfriend, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable in any way. If he would just let the stage kiss be enough...oh! You are uncomfortable--I'm sorry, (Y/n)."

Boyfriend? She has a boyfriend?! Why didn't she tell me?!

"I understand it's a romantic tragedy, but what are they making you do?" Ryuk asked calmly, despite his internal conflicts on the subject.

The girl squirmed where she sat, uneasy with the two conversations pointed at her. She sighed and brushed a lock of hair out of her face and behind her ear. "It's not your fault, Brandon. Chikan Sensei is just a...passionate man who wants to get the audience engaged in the show. It won't be too bad," she said gazing up at him, "we are actors after all."

Apple Pies Tell No Lies (Ryuk x Reader)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now