Chapter 10: Battle of the baddies part 1

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"What a beautiful day in this stupid jail." Y/N groaned as she looked out the window watching as a wolf devoured a deer that had been on it's way back home to it's family. "I don't feel sorry one bit for that deer, if anything I wish I would switch places with it." She sighed as she could hear the screams of the poor dear, "Thus the circle of life continues, my dear deer your time has elapsed on this world and so has my patience, I swear once that idiot walks through that door I going to do exactly what that wolf did." 

Y/n had a dark aura surrounding her, how pitiful, the poor girl just wants freedom but that's not how boxy felt at that moment. If anything the low class demon saw this an opportunity, finally he would feed on all of this anger, 'splendid' he thought. He smirked as her slyfully approached the girl, 'she can't see me, she's in for a surprise.'

"Screw everything, argh, if Yoongi was here he'd think that I was trying to steal his role heh. Seriously though, where in Jupiter are those idiots I'M VERY HUNGRY AND THERE'S NO FOOD! DO THEY WANT ME TO DIE!!!" Y/n screamed as she banged the counter. 

"Her aura looks so murderous, gosh I'm tearing up. Come to me Y/n , you will not escape my ultimate power!" Boxy squealed as he jumped onto her back and attempted to strangle her from behind.

Y/n could feel the strange sensation, the flip was going on, was the only thing on her mind right now. It only angered her even more, "HAVE I BEEN SO CRUEL TO DESERVE SUCH PUNISHMENT. I SWEAR IF WHATEVER IS ON MY BACK DOES NO-" She was then cut short by the painful sensation and tiny giggles from the tiny box demon. She began to panic, things were taking a hideous turn at this moment. At loss of breath Y/n began to continuously slam her back against the wall hoping that whatever thing that was on her back would hopefully fall to it's death. As she continuously did this she then realized just what she was facing once she slammed her back against the mirror that had been hang close to the ugly duckling portraits in the living room. Boxy Mcboxers met his brutal fate as the crushed pieces of the mirror pierced through his helpless soul, he was only trying to impress Demon Queen CL , such a failure as described by his comrades  poor Boxy. 

"Huh! You thought you could mess with the great L/N Y/N. You look like that annoying villain box thing in bounce tales, I hated that thing so much and I'm glad that I could make an example out of you and kill it."

"Please *cough cough* spear my life *cough cough* I *cough* I will do any-" 

" Oh save it for the mirror, huh I'm glad you came now I can forget all about my hunger and anger." Y/n spat as she continuously stabbed Boxy before a voice cried begging her to stop.

" In the name of CL STOP, please you're hurting my friend!" Another box thing appeared and pleaded. "He has didn't mean to cause any harm, he was only trying to feed himself, do understand." 

"You too late he's already dead." Y/n casually shrugged as she turned to face the other one."So what you're saying is that I should have left him to kill me?" 


Y/n widened her eyes, grabbing a piece of the shattered mirror and threw it towards Jeffery Boxon who responded by dodging the shot. He gasps as he shots a glare at Y/N who has entered a murderous mode.

"Please calm thyself, take a chill pill and hear me out." He scoffed as he walked towards Y/n. "Listen here Mcbuggers, you don't come in here and spit out nonsense about 'box thing like' rights when I almost lost my life!"

"But you don't understand-"

"Understand what, that princess V White and his six dwarfs don't care enough to leave me something to munch on."Y/n cried

"What are you talking about?" Boxon wriggled his one stranded brows and rubbed his boxy chin with his filthy stem fingers.

"All I ever wanted was something to eat is that  too much to ask for."Y/n broke down into tears as her body crippled and fell.

Jeffery saw the petty girl on her knees and he couldn't help but smile,'how pitiful.'

"My dear petty creature it seems that you are going through what McBoxers had gone through before you did that , so you see why I said you shouldn't hav-"

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THAT BOX!!!"Y/n shouted, quickly grabbing one of the shattered pieces and throwing it towards Boxon.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" Boxon screamed as he quickly ducked away.


"No no no I can't take this anymore I'm going to sue your skin off! We're taking this to the court of law."



Next time on The Annoying Vampito~

"It is settled then, there will be a war against your kind and demon kind!" The Demon Queen ... and her royal advisor ... declared causing the demons, vampires, ghosts and werewolves to charge at  each other and I was the only human right in the middle of the whole thing.

"Y/n, what were you thinking?!" Jungkook cooed as he shook Y/n's tired body. 

"Where were you when I needed food." Y/n continued to sob while Jungkook shook her, "You knew I was hungry but you didn't show up anyway. 

"The name's Jackson, you."

Hello lovelies, (what the heck has my story become of) I'm back after a century and I am truly sorry for the delay . I've been caught up in a lot of things, homework, school trips, price giving (screw that effing B overall /49pts/ now I didn't get a price) flu, the 28th day, funerals etc... 

Update 21/07/19

Two days after my birthday  (19) and I've gained some inspiration. I worked really hard the last term and it flipping paid off (57pts/ overall A)

Update update 01/10/19

Finally got the chance to update, super sorry for making yáll wait but I'm back ...for a few days...andd im now on an overall A streak now ~~ Be happy and stay tuned, bye

So I was shook when I saw the number of reads and likes. Like Wth oh my heartu, I never thought that it would have this much... Thank you so much,  I love you all... 😇😇😇😇😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😙😙😙😗😗😙😙😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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