The Night

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I just felt like writing this down. Just saw all of the movies again and my imagination started to fly. So this is my OC story. Robyn Lily Potter. She is Harry's older sister by two years. I don't know yet if it will just be one shots from her life or not. We'll see as time goes by ;) 

Really hope you enjoy this. 

I only own my OC (Robyn Lily Potter). 

The night sky was dark, the air was cold and there wasn't a soul out on the streets of Godric's Hollow even though it was Halloween. Families with children had gone trick or treating many hours before. Everyone was now at their homes, enjoying time with their families, eating dinner or playing games.

The same went for the young family of four. The Potter family. Lily and James were both bright wizards, who had met at Hogwarts, and even more amazing parents for their one-year old son and three-year old daughter. Harry James Potter and Robyn Lily Potter. Even though their first child came as a surprise to them, they still couldn't have been better parents to that girl. Robyn was given anything a child would need and more. She had two loving parents and two amazing uncles. 

Sometime after Robyn was born Lily and James decided that they wanted their family to grow andso about two years later Harry was born. It didn't matter that there was a war going on. Their love was stronger than that. They as a family were stronger then anything that was going to be thrown in their way. James knew that anything was possible from the moment on when Lily had agreed to go on a date with him for the first time after years of asking. They honestly thought that they could take on any obstalce thrown their way.

At least that's what they thought, because that Halloween night would rip their family apart in more ways than one. 

At first, they didn't notice the dark hooded figure approaching their house. They were too occupied watching their daughter singing and trying to entertain their son. It was a lovely moment for them both and neither understood how they had gotten so lucky with having children like Robyn and Harry. However, that was the last happy moment in Lily's and James' lives.

Next thing they knew, the front door to their house flew from its hinges. James quickly gave Lily orders to take their children upstairs. There was no way of escaping the house anymore. James grabbed his wand and went to follow his family. He needed to protect them. Unfortunately he didn't get further than the stairs that led upstairs, because the next thing he knew Voldemort was standing before him.

He fought bravely, but there wasn't anything he could do. Before anyone knew what was happening a loud voice was heard saying one of the unforgivable spells.


The life left James' eyes in a moment. Falling down on the spot he had just stood seconds ago, a look of worry still present on his face. James' last thought was, that he hoped the same fate didn't wait for his family.

Voldemort however didn't care for the life lost, because he only had one goal in his mind. And that was to get rid of the Potter siblings for good. He walks over James' dead body without giving it a second glance. Wand in hand, ready to finish what he came here to do, Voldemort approaches the room he knew had the rest of the Potter family in.

Lily fleeing the living room quickly with her children forgot to take her wand with her. As she reached Harry's room she knew that that could possibly be the biggest mistake she has ever done in her life. There was no going back. Only thing she now had to protect Robyn and Harry was hope.

Hope that there was something in that room that she could use to protect her family. Hope that someone knew that they were in trouble and would save them. Hope that maybe she could convince Voldemort to have mercy. She knew that that wasn't much, but if you don't have hope, then you have already given up and that was something Lily wouldn't do. Hope and love for her family were the last things she was going to lose.

Putting Harry and Robyn in the crib she heard something that made her hope waver. The killing curse and then steps approaching the room she was in.

"I love you my children. Remember that. Never forget, that you are loved. What ever happens today doesn't matter. Because I will always be there for you." She smiled down at them. "We will always be there for you. In here." As she was saying that she touched both of her children on their chests. At the place where their hearts are.

Robyn being three years old understood what her mother was saying. She just didn't know why there were tears in her eyes. She could feel the love coming from her mother, but at the same time she felt panic rolling off of her in waves.

"Mommy," she said and tried to reach out for her, but at the same moment the door to Harry's room opened. Out of fright she flung her arms around the closest thing to her, which happened to be Harry. She wrapped her tiny hands around her brother and held onto him with everything she had. She didn't understand why there was a dark hooded figure in their house and why her mother was crying. Just moments ago they were downstairs goofing around and now they are here, her mother saying thing such as "spare them" , "please don't" and "they are only children".

Yes, Robyn didn't understand how serious this situation was. However, she knew something was wrong, when she saw the hooded figure raise his wand and point it at her and Harry. She heard the figure saying words that she didn't understand, but before the green light coming from the wand could hit her and Harry their mother jumped in the way.

Robyn saw her mother falling to he ground eyes open staring at the ceiling. Even though she knew how to talk, no words left Robyn's mouth. Harry had started to cry, but Robyn didn't make a sound. The figure pointed its wand at them again and said the same words as before. This time the green light did hit them. It hurt. Robyn had never felt pain like this before. As a result, she let go of Harry and also started crying.

Through her tears she saw the black hooded figure starting to evaporate. It was turning smaller and smaller until it seemed like what was left of him was carried away by the wind.

Robyn was scared. Her mother wasn't moving, her father hadn't still come into the room and she had just felt pain like never before. All that fear and cofusion built up in her and the only thing she wanted was to feel safe. All those feelings were overwhelming her.  So that's how Robyn apparated out of the room, to the only place she could feel safe again.

This wasn't something that had happened before. Robyn didn't have control over what was happening to her. She just wanted to get away from the place that had caused all this trauma to her in the span of a few minutes.

She didn't mean to leave Harry behind, she loved him dearly, but that's what happened. Harry was left behind in his crib crying. First found by Snape, who wanted to warn the Potters from the threat coming their way, but unfortunately arriving few minutes late. However, it was Hagrid who took Harry away from Godric's Hollow to live with his muggle aunt until the age of 11, when he finally would be able to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he would be reunited with his sister, Robyn Lily Potter. 

So this is chapter one. I am sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. I tried to check my grammar as much as possible, but english isn't the language that I speak on a daily basis. Anyways, I'm happy that I got to write down this story and we'll see what will happen next. 

Let me know what you thought of the chapter.

Robyn Lily PotterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant