If Jack excluded the rum that rumours said Duncan kept in his office, tap water was the only thing available.

"I'm sure it won't harm the baby." He handed her the crying infant and watched in wonderment as Sue cradled her against her breast to feed her the bottle. A silence punctuated by suckling sounds fell upon the room.

"Are you hungry?" He'd signed so he wouldn't distract her as much from her task.

"I'm starving."

"The cafeteria should have some food left. Can I leave you alone again?"

A serene smile adorned her lips. "Only if you promise not to shoot your way into it."

He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. "Very funny. I'll be right back."


Jack didn't shoot the cafeteria lock but he broke it. At the rate he caused damages, the Bureau would have his head.

When he re-entered Duncan's office, the extent of their trespassing became obvious to him. While cleaning would need to be added to the ever-growing list of repairs, they also deserved a commendation for resourcefulness, or at least Sue did. She had tipped over one of the drawers over the desk and papers filled the desk. Judging by the amount of paper over the Assistant Director's desk, Sue had tipped over the full content of the drawer now resting by the fireplace. She'd lined it with a blanket and transformed it into a makeshift crib where the infant was peacefully sleeping.

"Sorry, I could only find lukewarm hot chocolate and sandwiches." He offered her a cup and a wrap, which she accepted. "I promise to take you out for a real meal in a nice restaurant once we are rescued."

A faint smile enlivened her faraway expression. "I will hold you to that, Jack... Her airway was clear. Someone took the time to tie her cord and cut it, and yet, she was discarded like...

Her voice broke and she lowered her head toward the makeshift crib.

Jack sat beside her and wrapped her in his arms. When she didn't recoil, he grew bolder. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. As her hand came to rest over his heart, he placed his over hers, intertwining their fingers together. Peace settled over him. He had no answers. Only one certitude. If it hadn't been for the storm, the jammed garage door and Sue's timely visit to the washroom, no one would have ever known about the little girl.

They may not have given birth to her, but in twisted turn of fate, they gave her life.


Sue must have dozed off because she didn't recall falling asleep over Jack's chest with his arms wrapped securely around her. Unsure what woke her up, she looked in the drawer. The little infant wiggled under the blanket.

She must not be crying yet.

Jack's chest rose and fell regularly under her head. Had the baby been crying, he wouldn't still be fast asleep. She tried to get up without rousing him, but as soon as she pulled slightly away, he tightened his embrace, pulling her back against him. The intimacy they shared sent the butterflies in her stomach soaring wildly.

She'd dreamed of this so often. Her chin up, she gazed at his face.

Jack... With the pad of her fingers, she gently brushed over his face. The worry lines around his eyes had disappeared and he looked so relaxed. When she neared his lips, she hesitated for a second.

Through narrowed eyes, Jack observed her as he tried to stay as still as possible in order not to scare her away. He wondered if Sue could feel his frantic heartbeat.

Let It Snow (Sue Thomas FBEye)Where stories live. Discover now