Golden Retriever

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Elvenjediofnarnia17 I couldn't resist, I had to go find pictures of the puppy Leia has in the RP! 😂😂😂 Puppy to adult! Here we go!

Elvenjediofnarnia17 I couldn't resist, I had to go find pictures of the puppy Leia has in the RP! 😂😂😂 Puppy to adult! Here we go!

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That's how little it is right now! Hehe! He gets slightly darker in color as he gets older!

That's how little it is right now! Hehe! He gets slightly darker in color as he gets older!

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^That's definitely him in the face!

^That's definitely him in the face!

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^This is definitely him as an older doggo! He so handsome!

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^This is definitely him as an older doggo! He so handsome!

^This is definitely him as an older doggo! He so handsome!

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He can play with snowballs with Luke! 😂😂

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He can play with snowballs with Luke! 😂😂

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