chapter three

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. Chapter three





The next morning i was in a good condition after eating a rich dinner and having a cool bath i slept peacefully on the bed beside john and surprisingly he put his arms around me and i snuggled closer to him. When i woke up the space where he slept was empty only the wrinkled bed cover ad the pressed bed space was evidence that he slept there. He came into the room carrying a plate of green fried rice.

                      ‘Good morning. Slept well?’

‘Yes…….thank you.’ I said as he gave me the plate.

             ‘Good.’ He went outside and i eat the food slowly.

When I’ve had my bath i put on my old clothes ignoring the argument coming from the living room.

 ‘We have to fight back; no member of us would be humiliated by big-eyed Sunday.’ John shouted.

                    ‘Fight back?’ one of the girls asked.

    ‘I want revenge; i can’t sit back here and let him get away with what he did.’ Some else cried                  ‘Exactly, he has to pay for what he did.’

                     ‘Call the new girl.’  Michael said.

I froze as the door opened and john came in. ‘get up.’

         I stood up and followed him out to the living room, a girl that i have never seen before sat opposite Michael sobbing quietly, her face was bas battered like she had fought with a merciless killing machine, her lips were swollen and there was dried black blood at the side of her pretty face and dirt in her woolly brown hair.

              ‘What happened?’ i whispered to john.

    ‘Big-eyed Sunday attacked her.’ He answered shortly.

Big-eyed Sunday i thought to myself the name itself was terror, the gang engaged in a discussion that left me out.  They made deadly plans on how to attack this terror; i now understood the gang and its member. The kids in the gang were all from broken homes and mostly poor families, right from their tender age they were forced to hawk under the hot sun while other fortunate children were in school, the whole system was so unfair and cruel to low class citizens. Celebrities, senators and those in high position look give the best for their families and loved ones forgetting families are out there suffering; they ride in flashy cars live in comfortable house and are always in air conditioned offices. Those who don’t go to school for one reason or the other don’t stand the chance, to be recognized in the world, we had to have money and for people like us with no opportunity we had to steal or look for odd jobs to survive.

I dozed off when i was bored and when i woke up they were still discussing, the wounds on the girls face had been cleaned and she was sitting close to Michael who had his hands on her shoulder, i closed my eyes and slept off again.

       ‘Wake up Eve.’

Someone shook me and i woke up stretching and yawning at the same time.

        ‘Its time Eve.’

I frowned as i looked from john to his brother. ‘Time for what?’

  ‘You have to go out there and steal. Baby bird.’  John said

            ‘I—i can’t.’

TALES OF EVE. (student/teacher) Not Edited.Where stories live. Discover now