Chapter 3

467 21 1

September 11, 2011

Louis's P.O.V

The first thing I did when I woke up was check my phone. Two missed calls, both from my mum. I called the boys already but they said they haven't seen Harry. The only person Harry goes to is Grimmy, and he knows I don't like him.

I have to call him, to be sure Harry's fine and not drunk or anything.

"Hello?" He says, obviously still asleep.

"Is Harry there?"

"Yeah, mate. He's passed out right there. Last night was the best night of his life." He laughs and I grip the phone, stopping myself from throwing it again.

"Cut the bullshit, where is he?" I know he's lying. Harry wouldn't sleep with anyone else.

"Right there! On the bed, naked of course." I can see his smirk as my blood boils.

"Nick!" I shouted.

"I'm just messing with you, mate. He's at a hotel, probably with a girl." He laughs again.

"Go fuck yourself." I say before hanging up. Fuck, I forgot to ask which hotel. Before I can call back, Harry calls me.

"Hello?" I said, shaking.

"Lou, I miss you." His voice is thick and raspy.

"Why'd you leave?" I should've said I missed him too.

"I had to. If I don't, then you will and I don't want that."

"Harold, management agreed to-"

"I don't want to hear about the plan, Lou."

"Let me fin-" I stopped when I heard a woman's voice in the background.

"Who was that?" I asked after I heard a door closed.



"Just the maid, I promise."

"Fine, as I was saying.." I know he's lying but I miss him too much to cause any more problems.

"They let us live together as long as we keep it a secret."

Harry's P.O.V

What? God, I feel like an idiot.. And a jerk for running away.

"Come home." Lou pleaded.

"Of course, I'm sorry. I'll take a cab."

"Hurry, I miss you."

"I will. I love you."

"I know." I can see him smiling, I am too.

(Really really really really really really short, I know! There is a reason why. ^.^ Remember to vote and comment, I love you all💕)

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