Alex scrambles around for his phone, cursing when he finally finds it, he picks up the call, he's voice changing from the flirty tone, he looks angry before he abruptly stops the call.

I have to go, he proceeds to wear his jeans

I nod, oh, I have work anyway, I start moving to the door, but my blanket restricts my movements

Hey Alex stops me


He scratches the back of his head, do you want to have dinner sometime?

My lips perk up a little, I don't smile widely to show him how that question affects me, I nod.

He starts moving to my bedside table, where I kept my phone, he's facial expression gives away nothing, he simply puts his number in my phone and calls his phone, and we hear the ringing tune again making him curse and I laugh

I laugh, why that song?

Its not me trust me, its my brother messing with me

I smile you have a brother?

He's about to say something when we hear a knock at my door

My eyes widen, maybe its Lara am about to move to the door when Alex stops me

I don't think you should answer the door like that, I'll go get it

I nod and watch him leave, he comes back 5 minutes later yes I was counting, with a hoodie on, sunglasses in hand

Okay am pretty sure he did not have that on before maybe he left it in the sitting room, are you a vampire or something I snort

He smiles nope, but I have to go urgently, I'll call you later he says

I nod and give a little wave watching him leave my room.

I sigh and move to my bathroom, grabbing my robe I put it on before grabbing an Advil, I proceed to my kitchen, taking the drug like my life depends on it when i hear another knock, I walk to door and open it up to see an equally frustrated looking Lara in pink lose yoga pants and white large T shirt, she enters my house groaning all the way before slumping on my couch

Yea, come in I say, shutting the door

So how did last night go? I plop next to her

She just groans in response

I laugh, you're not the only one

I saw Mr mysterious from my window, she finally says after our 10 minutes silence, you had fun last night she attempts to wiggle her brows but it doesn't work out and she just frowns leaning on the arm of the couch

Nope, we did nothing, idiot I passed out, I don't even remember coming home, or how he even got into my house

She smiles a little

So what about river?

I slept with him she groans, but I panicked and left his apartment immediately when I woke up

Prince Of My HeartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin