Chapter Eighteen

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"My name is Abdulrahman but people call me Alh. Abdulrahman."

"Go on i am listening..."

"So.... I..." He was speechless, totally out of words and he didn't know why, is it because he was never good at confronting girls or is he like this around Maryam whom he is being very careful with now so as not to piss her off but she interrupted his thoughts when she cleared her throat.

"Well it seems like you don't know what to say again or why you are even here in the first place, but wait a minute should i start by asking you how you even manage to get here? Where and how did you got my address Alh. Abdulrahman? His heart started racing Oh Allah! If she finds out how he gets to know their house she is going to be mad at him again, now what should he do to save himself from her question...

"Hello... You are seriously thinking about an answer right? It should better turn out to be true because i hate lies and liars too... So go on tell me." He just sighed making up his mind to tell her nothing but the truth even if she is going to take it hard on him.

"Well I personally get to know that you live here." He said carefully examining her expression which is blank.

"And how did you manage to know that if i may ask?" She was getting more curious now.

"Okay here is it but please don't misunderstand me okay just let me explain." She just nodded saying okay to him.

"Some three days back you went to the same supermarket we first met and i was there too so i followed your car to this place just to know where you reside. Wallahi that is just it i have no any intention of hurting you." She nodded.

"And why do you want to know where i live?" She asked again making him feel like he is in an interview room.

"Because i wanted to see you and talk to you and before you ask me why again let me tell you this it's because you have stolen my heart away Maryam. Since the day we first bumped into each other everything has changed. I do nothing now apart from thinking about you. You have invaded my sleep my dreams and my whole thoughts. My days are restless and my nights sleepless all because of you, you might think that i must be crazy or something to be saying all these things to you now because its hardly a week since we first met but believe me you it's been long since i felt like this and this time i know this is for real, it's you Maryam, you are the one for me." All this while Maryam was just staring at him listening to him like a novel being read in the radio station. He sound so unreal but his eyes were very honest and innocent. She couldn't say anything even when he was done talking.

"Maryam why are you quiet? Please say something, just anything but please don't say no..." Maryam finally smiled at him.

"Hmmnn Mr lover boy that was a nice speech you know but you know what? I am not interested in you at all and i don't even believe a single word of yours." He felt his heart broken into a hundred pieces.

"No please Maryam don't say that, you just can't dislike me without getting to know me first."

"Yes exactly just like you can't like me without getting to know me too first, so this means that you are clearly lying."

"By Allah Maryam I am not lying to you but you will never get to know that if you never give me a chance, please Maryam give me a chance and i promise you that i will proove you wrong. Please let's try this, give us a chance." That particular statement brought back so many memories of Muhammad that she has burried deep inside her heart and doesn't want to be reminded of and she was now concluding that he is just like Muhd so fake and unreal, he is here to steal your heart away, toy with your feelings and then crush your heart to a million pieces, her heart says. No Maryam don't fall for his sweet words, you know better than to do that, don't, just tell him no and walk away.

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