Act53 Decapitate Village

Start from the beginning

Mitar:I..I see....(murmurs)

Mitar sits down on the floor with a defeat look on his face.

Mitar:Man,I was so stupid.Here I thought that he didn't care about

me but...I was wrong.

Yuki sits down on the bed.

Yuki:Mitar,if it's alright.Do you might telling me what's inside of you?

Mitar:I'm...not sure as well.It happened a long time ago when I

was just a kid.I had no idea what it was but I know one thing,

whatever is inside me,its evil.

Flashback,10 years ago.A young Mitar was standing in a

field of grass.The sky was cloudy and dark.Standing in front

of the young boy was a large animal-like creature.It was a huge

monstrous creature with black fur,red eyes and sharp teeth.

It was standing on two leg with sharp claws on it's hands.

The creature stares at Mitar but the boy wasn't scared at all.

He curiously gaze upon the creature.

Mitar:Hey mister.I'm lost.Can you help me find my mommy?

The creature gives an ear shattering roar as the force

knocks Mitar to the ground.It was about to grab Mitar with

it's huge claws when several swords shoots from behind Mitar

and pierces the creature's hand.It roars once again as it

slowly backs away with it's bleeding hand.A woman's voice calls

out from behind Mitar.

Woman's voice:Mitar! Get away from it!

A woman with long blonde hair comes into Mitar's view as

she steps in between Mitar and the creature.

Blonde woman:You are not touching him! I will not let you have

my baby!!(looks at creature)

The craeture roars once again and slowly takes a step forward.

With one strike of his huge hand,the woman goes flying to

the side as she goes down hard to the ground.The creature

focus it's attention at Mitar once again.Before it could grab

him again,the woman jumps on the creature's back and summons

a huge sword in her hands.With one stab,the woman drives

the sword deep into the creature's back.It roars in pain as it goes

down to the ground.

Red haired woman:I told you that you are not touching my baby!

Now go die already!!

The woman pushes the her sword even deeper causing

blood to ooze out of the creature's mouth.Unknown to her,

a black smoke shoots out of the creature's eyes and was

heading straight for Mitar.The woman finally notice this but it was too late.

Blonde woman:Mitar! NOOOOOOO!!!(looks at mitar)

The black cloud hits Mitar and disappears into his body.

After that,the young boy falls unconscious.Flash back over.

Mitar was now sitting on the floor and was shaken a little.

Yuki was also sitting on the floor in front of him.


Mitar:I really don't know what happened after that.My parents

kept it a secret from me not until my brother told me the truth.

Yuki:And that was?

Mitar:The creature was dying and in order to survive,it choose

to possess me since I was the closest host that it could find.

Right after that happened,my brother put a seal on me so that

the creature couldn't escape and at the same time couldn't do

any harm to me.But...that's where I was wrong.

Yuki:What do you mean?

Mitar:Not too long after the creature took refuge in me,the seal

was already at it's limit.That's when it took control and transformed

me into the monster I hate.At that time,we were staying

in my home town and in one night,I...destroyed it.

Yuki:Mitar,I'm...I'm sorry to hear that.

Mitar:Three days later,my parents decided to put a more powerful

seal on me.It worked but I guess 10 years later,the seal is at it's limit.

Yuki:Now you understand why your brother take you here.

Mitar:Sigh.Don't rub it in.I feel bad as it is.

Yuki:Hey,why don't we get you something to eat? The village isn't

that big and there aren't that much people here.You'll like it.(smiles)

Mitar:Now that you've mentioned it,I am a little hungry.

Both of them stands and goes to the door.Mitar opens it as the

two of them steps out.It was already dark outside.Mitar could see

that the village only had a few buildings just like the one he

was in.Standing in front of the house was his brother,Razor.

Mitar:Brother....(looks at razor)

Razor:I hope that you two got along.

Yuki:Don't worry,we came to a mutual understanding.

Razor:Since you're up,I might as well tell you what's going to happen.

Mitar:I know.You're going to put another seal since the old seal is at it's limit.

Razor:Close but no.

Yuki:Eh?Then what are you going to do?

Razor hesitates for a moment as the two of them waits for his reply.

Razor:We're not going to seal it again.We're kill it.

Act53 END


Act54 The Beast from Within

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