Big Brother 🏋🏿

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      I Open the door an come face to face with my brother, He looks good for a dead man.  i dont know what to say or do im just shocked. Yavell doesnt see me intil i call out his name "Vell" he looks up at me from doing his push ups.

"Who are you??"

"Its me Ya'vanii" i step closer only for him to step back

" this cant be your not my sister."

" yes i am an as much as i want to rekindle this flame we have to get out of here now!!"

"No im not leaveing i cant i have to protect her if i leave they will kill her!!"

"Kill her Yanii, i have to stay here"

" Your not making any sense Vell this is me i dont know what they told you or what they been feeding you but they've kept me here for 4 years while i was put in a coma. Do you even knkw how much time has passed from wen we were kids??"

" if you Yanii prove it!!"

What the hell we dont have time for this shit, so i show him the birth mark on the right side ofmy stomach the same exact one he has on the left side of his. " Now do you believe me"

"How did you get here, they said you were safe an no harm would come to you if i stayed here."

"Who is they!!"

" it was a lady she never said her name but they're always monitoring me like they are now. If your truly Yani your in danger and you need to go now.."

I look up an theres a camera in the corner of ceiling "Dammit"

I shoot the camera out, "when did you learn how to do that"

"My fiance taught me"

"Wait your getting married hold on whats been happeing sense i left."

"If we make it out of here alive ill tell you but right now we need to focus on getting out this facility!!"

I grab Yavell's hand an race to the door i pier out the doorway making sure no guards are coming. I take the opposite direction i came for some reason this all seem a little to easy to me.....  Wen we mak it to the front we are met by guards an Mr.Santiago his self.

"Were do yall think yall going, i cant allow yall to leave im sorry!!"

" what have you done you said you would protect her nkt bring her hea."

"I did what was needed to be done and i cant allow to ghost to walk out of here it would be hell to pay."

"We trusted you Dante trusted you and you betrayed him you planned this all along an im assuming you already newnwho daughter i was in the long run huh??"

" Yah,so what you wont live to tell it."

    He spits out his words the shit cut me deep but i new that what i was about to do would leave Dani one of my best friends heart broken 💔...

Before i can speak my brother pushes me behind him. " what are you doin yavell??"

" protecting you" he smiles at me " im not gonna lose you again i refuse to lose you again not when i just got you back.

"Just tell me Yani, Hows kenya??"

"Last time i seen her she was fine big an beautiful a spitting image of your self."

"Well if i dont make it out of this tell her daddy loves her."

"No, because ull be telling her your self "

I shoot at the tank thats labeled gas above mr.Santiagos head..

"You missed!!"

"I wanst aimimg for you!!"

He looks above his head and grab my brother an throw us behind the crates. The whole buidling goes up in flames.
I get up and start shooting any survivors "Yavell get that gun an tak the rest of them out" he does as im told i never would of thought i would see the day of me fightjng side by side with my brother it made me proud.. I get to mr.santiago whos lieing on the floor with half of hisnbody burnt up he trys to lift the gun bu t i step on his hand..

"Auuuughh" he cries out in pain

"You cause me and my family alot of pain, i think they suffered enough."

He starts to laugh, "no but they soon will be if you think killing me will bring you piece then go head but tbis war ia far from over its just begun. It takes everytging in me not to kill him but i just cant bring myaelf to do it...  I kick the gun out of his "i wont be responsible for ur death i have enough of dead bodies roaming around in my head as it is. You can live knowing im taken back what is rightfully mine .... I walk away "lets go Yavell we need to get out of here before this whole place go up in flames."

"Bang Bang Bang"

I turn to see Yavell emptying the clip into Mr.santiagos head "im not the same anymore and i be damn if i give him a chance to hurt you again"

"Yavell what did you do" i fo back to check his pulse but it isnt one, "i did what u couldnt stomach to do"

Its that instinct i realize that the Yavell i knew was replaced by a Yavell i didnt understand. He kilt him with no emotion and a smile on his face.

Maybe Yavell didnt leave for this reason seeing how skilled he was when he kilt them goons just now. Made me realize maybe he was in hea for his everyone elses protection.

And i jusy unleashed him on the world 🌎..

I look at him with sadness his eyes are as black as his aura around him something about him was off. But we needed to get out of there i had no time on figurimg it out.

We make a run for the exit when we come out side we are surrounded by nothing.. I load the gun an shoot the guards i see we come apone a car " inhavent drove in years i hope i still know what im doing..

We get in an Drive not stopping for anything we need to get a place were it was aervice an people other then ones tryn to kill us.
I could feel the pain in my arms an lega returning what the hell didnthey do to me while i was im there that long..

" hey bro i need you to do somthing for me?!"

"What is it??"

"I need you to stick me with that needle an  insuline .."

"What for??"

"Its a long story but i need you to do it quickly"

He doenst hesistate he sticks me in my arm an legs an the pain i was starting to feel fades away once more.

"What is this stuff??"

"Steriods im gueszingbits somthing they had me on while i was in a coma. My body got use to it an it only works well function when i take it."

"Yanii too much of this stuff could kill you"

"Yah im assuming thats what they were tryn to do haveing me locked up in that basement."

"You mean the basement underground"

"Yes, how do you know about that"

"Because thats were the held me an they tortured me an did experiments on me. But the treatment they were given me was just make me sick so they stopped."

" oooh"

"Do you not remember anything??"

"No i was in this made up world my mind tricked me in thinking was real an i stayed like for 4 years intill i finally woke today."

My can feel my brother lookimg at me strangely. " you dont feel different??"

"I do but i cant put my finger on whats wrong tho. I feel alive i can say that better then i felt in my whole life actually."

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